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    Elizia (Eli) Kennikot
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  1. Lavendeir


    Elizia's parents met long ago in Haense. Her mother Alea, a human traveling merchant, fell in love with an elven mercenary, Roberto. It wasn't long before the two decided to start a family. Elizia, their bundle of energy and joy. Since birth, Elizia has always been more active than the other children. Instead of playing with toys of any sorts, she was always sparing with her father, or playing with her mother's animals. She was often teased and alienated by this, but Elizia never truly noticed it; she was always too entranced to care. Every contract her father left for, he always brought back a Souvenir from his travels or sent one in a package if he was too far. This sparked an inspiration and excitement inside Elizia, an amazement of battle and fighting. As she grew up, this excitement only grew, quickly having her training for fun and practicing fights with her father. However, this time with her father would be short lived. When she was 16, her father was drafted into the "War of the Wigs". Days went by, weeks, even months while Elizia and her mother waited. However, this time, he never came back, not even a package of a souvenir from him. There was nothing, and this absolutely broke the two. The only reason Elizia's mother tolerated the danger that came with Roberto's work was because of her love, but she felt that security torn away from her. Alea became Cold, Quiet, and Detached from Elizia. As time went on, their home started to crumble. They ran out of food, clean clothes, and everything became empty and dark from the lack of care. Elizia realized what she had to do. She had to support Alea since she stopped selling her goods. However, Elizia couldn't bring her self to step in her mothers tracks. Her fathers path called to her, dragging her further into the chanting of battle. Something clicked in her mind, an idea ambitious and dangerous, but right for her. Elizia left home many times, telling her mother she would be out selling and buying to make a living for both of them. However, it was never figured out that Elizia was actually out kicking ass and earning bounties, all for her mother, all for her father.
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