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Everything posted by Zeanuth

  1. Zeanuth


    Alexander, otherwise known as Alex, had a fairly normal childhood, his dad was a knight and his mom was a housewife he lived in a far away village accost oceans. He went to school through all of highschool, his dad taught him hand to hand combat, and his mother taught him how to cook and clean in his spare time. With no siblings he hated staying home but he wasn't allowed outside the house most of the time and never allowed out of the village because of the sieges that happened. In the second to last siege his dad had his legs incapacitated which took their small militia form 14 to 13, Alex took his dad's place for the second siege and he never was able to go home after the burning of the village. After the final siege the only family he was left with was his aunt and his dad, his aunt had alzheimer's and his dad had to take care of her and never had time to even feed Alex. Alex at the young age of 16 left the village without saying goodbye to anyone, he took his dads armour and enough food to get to the far woods where he couldn't be found. After the first year he decided to take up exploration and adventure, he managed to live the final year which takes us to the current timeline.
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