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  1.  heres link to my edited apply thank you

  2. Trixpins


    Age - 23 Aiden Trealer Male Race:Just Human He was born in little village near the holy empire of oren at almaris. some legends say there was black sorcerer who lived deep in forest. and everyone was carefull to go far from village because of that they never left walls of theyr settlement. aiden had only one friend named marcus . about the parents he only had mom . theres little known about his father all we know. some man from village and his father decided to explore "dark forest" (thath how villagers called it because of the legends) and they never came back. some say it was sorcerer who lived there but it was only legends, some say it was darkness wich corrupted light. her moms name was Lilia Trealer they had little house as like others in village . lets just say the population of village wasnt more than 25 . he and his friend marcus always liked to train with wooden swords and have fun with eachother . but one day everyhting has changed. it was morning the sun was hitting window birds were making noise , sunlight was hitting aidens bed. it was calm not even wind blowing. but there is always nothing and piece before chaos. out of nowhere black smoke came into his window he taught it was dark magic because he was just a kid and aiden had no idea what could it be. no one knew what was that and why was everything burning but there was murdering sounds smell of blood. screaming childern sounds whom were searching for theyr parents . than something charged fire ball in his house and everything started to burning he often sees that memory in his dream -- "theres black smoke around I can barely open my eyes or breath . dead bodies around.. screamings... whats going on " ( than he fells to the ground) . he opens his eyes and hes near the river. with lilia near him.. but something is wrong with her mom shes bleeding so hard."go to oren this is pure evil ! " this was last words of her. and thats how he lost her mother.. he returned to the village but everything was burned even his friend marcus murdered and killed no one survived he was the only one withouth the hope. love friends or trust. no one knew what happened there or why everything has burned. from that day he was traveling village to village growing and tryn to work to survive it is his story. from childhood aiden was good at surviving because her mother teached him many strategys for surviving he was working all the time so he could live right now he travels much to find right place for him. and main thing what moves his willpower was the curiosity to understand the answer to get what happened that morning what killed those people mother and best friend. he never believe it was possible to lost everything in one day . but it doesnt changed hes personality. time after time he development comuniaction skills.read some books wich he bought with money he worked for. but as far he was going as far everything was getting darker and darker .
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