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  1. 7nucky


    Lucky has always lived in a household where her parents didn't like letting her go outside, but she would always escape and run around before she is caught by her parents, she had always hated being held down by anyone or anything, so she loves freedom and has to be running around constantly. She kept a notebook of the town she grew up in and wrote everything about it including the people, creatures, maps, and shops and such in her notebook. Her parents are fighters, so she was also taught basic techniques like self defense and offense in close combat. She only held a sword a couple times, but that was because she snuck into her dad's room to take a look. The town she grew up in was small, and by 13 she had already wrote everything there was to know about it, and started bugging her parents constantly to get out and explore to start her own adventure. Her parents were worried that she might get hurt, lost, killed, etc; since she was clumsy and sometimes got lost, but they gave in and said they would let her leave at the age of 18. And now that she finally 18, shes going to start her adventure away from home.
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