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Everything posted by Islabutterfly43

  1. Islabutterfly43


    Asphodel's mother was a high Elf, her blood father's identity is unknown. They were having an affair (her father was married) so in order to prevent the shame it would bring them if word of this got out, her mother had her in secret and cared for her until she was a toddler when she was handed off to a traveller named Follon. Growing up on the road she always lacked a home and so over time she longed to find her mother and were she belonged. What's more she is quite ill fitting for the life of a traveller, struggling to adapt to change. It is this inconsistency that causes her anxiety and shyness, were she to become familiar with a place or person she would likely become more confident when around them. During her life she spent the most time with the druid order staying there longer and returning several times, it was here she received some form of education. though she did not join the order she did come to share a lot of their beliefs about protecting nature and being kind to others. She also learnt other things by observation elsewhere on her travels. If she were to give up on finding her mother this is were she would most likely return too. Eventually Follon who by now was growing old, began to suffer greatly from an old wound he resived during the phoenix rebellion when he and Asphodel were caught in the crossfire during the taking of galahad. He deemed he could no longer continue his travels so Asphodel went on alone.
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