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Everything posted by Atomic106

  1. Atomic106


    From a young age Sorron was raised believing in Orthodox Creationism. He was raised as a single child with him mother and father. Occasionally he would have an elderly Adunian come teach Sorron how to read and write, under a watchful eye. Sorrons parents and teacher both raised Sorron as strict authoritarians, And Sorron knew this was because they wanted him to grow strong, to unite our people again. However, one night the family needed to go collect firewood to maintain heating for the night. Typically, they move together in a group for safety reason and to allow Sorrons parents to teach him about hunting and gathering. After reaching the forest, Sorrons father ordered the group to split and find logs and twigs and return as soon as possible. After returning Sorron noticed his parents do not return and much time passed. Sorron panicked and sprinted yelling for his parents. He hears sounds coming from the left and books it in that direction. Sorron sees his mother injured and his father fighting a bear. He tried to help but his mother ordered him to leave them. Conflicted, Sorron froze in horror. He wasnt able to move and didnt know what to do, he could do nothing but watch. Seeing his father cut down and mother crawling away, but to no avail. The bear dragging away its new food without ever detecting Sorron just leaving him stunned. After coming to his senses, Sorron knew he had to leave, maybe he would try to find the elderly lady he spent so much time with but knew so little about. Without any knowledge on how to get there or where to go is beyond Sorron but he figures he will follow the river and see where he goes. His plan is to seek out more of his people like his family wanted. With this goal in mind Sorron is left cold but determined. With that on his mind he finds a prayer ground and is invited to stay the night. Sorron learns of the history of the spirits of the dead and begins to struggle with the ideas of the more modern New Adunian Creationism that he had been closed off to as a child. Although Sorron is 31, he is still not even a third into his lifetime, so he is still new and fresh to the world. Because of the decline in Adunian population resulting in a lack of community, Sorron has low people skills due to not meeting many others of his kind and tends to be closed off. Except in the presence of his own kind which he feels free to express himself. Sorron knows what he needs to do and leaves at sunlight.
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