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    Gaius malevius
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About Me

My name is Gaius, I’m a mostly human wanderer that can often be found in the woods. My native  town is the town Carrington. Even though I am a wanderer, I do have a home but no one has found it yet. My home is situated in a forest and it’s quite cosy, it has a small fireplace with a pot over it, this is where I cook my dinner, some bookcases and a chair with a small table next to it, because my home is quite small this table is also my dining area. Outside of my home is a small farm, I am in need of this farm because of food, but also for brewing my potions. I am a herbalist, I can create the best medicines of our time. If I have the right ingredients, hence the farm. When I come across a person I will be neutral and offer a medicine if he or she is hurt. Yet the fact that I’m neutral towards people does not mean I won’t defend myself, if someone tries to attack me I will strike back. As a herbalist I have a great interest in magic and I crave for the knowledge of it. If someone offers me knowledge of magical artifacts or spells I will try to acquire it, whatever the cost may be.. This hunger for knowledge of magic has made me stronger in the spiritual realm but has me weakened in the mortal world, this has led to not being entirely human.

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