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Everything posted by dalesfishing02

  1. dalesfishing02


    Zac Sutton was born in a poor family outside of the Kingdom of Norland. His father Mr. Sutton was a deep miner for materials providing enough income for his wife to stay at home and take care of Zac. When Zac was 8 him and his father starting working together in the mines. A few weeks after Zac turned 11 several people from the mine where let go due to the mining company loosing money. This caused Zac and his father to become jobless. At first they used their savings but eventually they ran out of money. As their food supply ran lower and lower Zac's dad was lucky enough to be able to secure a job. The only problem was that he wouldn't be paid until a week. Zac and his family ate little that week which almost caused Zac to die. Zac was meatless skinny and pale with bones showing when his dad came home with enough food to keep him alive. Zac at age 12 was hired by the same company his dad worked for and continued working their gaining back the strength he lost. Zac eventually developed a strong skill in the field mining as much as his father was at the age of 17. When Zac turned 18 his dad and mom decided to give him one year before he would have to move out and begin his journey alone. Zac has now turned 19 and is left with some supplies to keep him going for a week or two and is out looking for a job.
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