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Everything posted by Fernweh0

  1. Fernweh0


    Born in a small village outside of Varnhelm, Hendryk has lived an unfortunate life. Constantly whipped by his father's drunken rage, losing 5 siblings to pestilence, and eventually killing his father and mother in a bloody act of pure hatred at the age of 14. In which he has wandered the lands of the Nords looking for odd jobs, never staying to long in a place due to his temper and occasional bloody scene. He had received no formal education, and was instead was brought up with the knowledge and skills of a peasant. He can fish, gather and hunt small game, make candles, and is especially good with an axe, due to long hours worked chopping wood for the eventual trader that would pass through, of which he never saw a silver. Hendryk has developed into a peculiar young man. He maintains a veil of stoic steadfastness, quiet, disciplined, but is often rude and blunt in speech which gives him a strange charm, attracting some and casting others away. However, he bottles a rage and hunger for blood that he first felt upon the slaughter of his parents, and given the situation, the veil might slip.
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