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Everything posted by Aaroq

  1. Aaroq


    Aaroq was born of two Kaedrini parents with no renown. He was taught to hunt and survive in the wilderness as his family had moved around a lot. His father and mother were brash when they had too much ale and would soon overstay their welcome. They would blame their aggressors for their banishment from every town instead of looking at their own actions and taking accountability for the results. Aaroq felt distant from his parents and resented that they had not made more of themselves. He felt the disrespect they had received was due to them not working harder in life. Upon another spat with some Farfolk in the Caliphate, Aaroq abandoned his parents to set out on his own in search of renown. He was not sure if he would find it as a bandit, or as a soldier.
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