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Charles Minerva

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Everything posted by Charles Minerva

  1. Charles Minerva


    He was born in a barn within the kingdom of Urguan, Brokkr, the dwarven whose parents didn't like. He was always wandering, looking at the sky, he kept days and nights playing around, disturbing his brothers and parents all around. Around his 15th birthday, his mother perished, he then realised that the world is not how he once thought it was. Reality hitted him hard, but he didn't flail too much, but one thought always presevered in his mind: "What am I good for?". Brokkr, stopped being the rascal he once was, and started to help in the most tedious task he could, always trying new things and new ways for such, he never stopped inovating. While his brothers started to make their own lives, 5 years had passed, and Brokkr still helped his dad. The family ran a little blacksmith, that was slowly vanishing around the village, but in the little heart of Brokkr, it always shining. He who liked to help his dad in the shop, decided that should be his job. His dad, however, thought otherwise and shut the store for his demise. Brokkr was tarnished, and so he left, with a handfull of meat in his chest. So Brokkr travelled, and travelled, and soon stop, he was munching on his ribs and he once did before, a big black wolf appeared out of the dark and bit Brokkr leg. Affraid and scared, Brokkr grabbed the hammer and smacked the wolves head, and started to ran. Leaving his meat behind and with an injured leg, Brokkr cried out for saviour Yemekar for protection. His shouts were heard, and so he was safe by a passing couple, in embrace. Without any way of repayment for the couple who had found him, Brokkr looked around and saw their house broken, and offered some help. Rebuilding their house find his true bless. He then went off, helping every villager, for enchange for goods, he found his reason.
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