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Everything posted by SaltyDragon

  1. SaltyDragon


    Revani Varethian was born into a haense noble family 20 years ago. Her life for the most part was simple for a young noble girl. She had it easy within the city of Haense and was well on her way to becoming a cadet for the BSK as her family was known for producing knights and soldiers. This lone fact led to there slaughter... a chill brisk winter night. During a heavy blizzard the Varethian family was forced to hunker down in an abandoned cabin for the night. The only Varethian not present was Revani as she had fallen ill from the cold and this was left at Haense to rest. The following morning she would join the search for her family who didnt return. Only to find the charred remains of a cabin, and her family inside. Poor Revani was only 9 years old and at the time her young mind couldnt even comprehend that of her families death. The girl quickly turned to faith as a source of hoping her family might here her prayers. The aspiring Canonist was quickly taken in by one of the churches knights, squiring the orphaned girl and in time adopting her as well. On the 19th birthday of Revani she was given her greatest gift of all, becoming a Dame for the church and a soldier within the BSK. Determined to follow in her families footsteps and shine the light on the world that they had shown her. She set out to restore her family and its name, The Varethian were fighters... and she wasnt done fighting yet.
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