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Sk1llz Heeler

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  1. Sk1llz Heeler


    She has had no background on her family even until now. All she can do is make the assuming that her lineage must've had the habit of sleeping around that ended up in the mostly orc and elf amalgam that she was. Raised in a tavern off the beaten path and nicknamed mongrel for her soup of genetics. She lived there for 10 years, which damaged her mental state greatly. The outside world never met her eyes or ears. Both the owner and patrons treated her questionably. She was quick to anger and lash out. Violence was not uncommon. Punishments were due of course. Harsh words met her in the day from everyone, and soft honeyed words met her by night from the owner. A faux affection, simply to keep the young girl from exploding. It's not like she could tell. An odd traveler, who never gave her name, was the first to provide her with a way to cope. Exerting herself physically through fighting quickly became something she loved. As she began to rapidly grow into her odd mix of a body, she never figured out that her fondness of violence may be from her orc portions. Luckily, discovering what she loved rather early on encouraged her to be active. The exercise she got seemed to, by some miracle, ease some of the issues that came from her background. She ended up masculine, strongly built, and a bit bulky, yet at the same time had oddly lanky limbs, with a scary lack of body fat for the longest time. Her tusks bothered her as she grew. Her fingers were long yet had not inherited nearly enough grace from her elf blood, making her hands, which were already proportioned to her now big frame, large and quite frankly intimidating. Her torso appears a bit too long when viewed without clothes, yet she's still broad and built. The bones of her upper body seem to be bulkier than the lower, meaning extra energy is spent compensating for keeping it up. Luckily, she has the ability to keep a straight back. Although, sitting isn't the most comfortable for her. The owner of the tavern had garnered a fear for her due to this, which wouldn't have a chance to last long. The outside world still kept about its business around them, and eventually, the tavern was destroyed during Oren. This left her to wander on her own for years. Now, at age 23, out and exploring the world, she's learning better ways of interacting with others, and trying to not potentially fall back into what it seemed her parents had done. And having no family history, she wishes to make a name for herself. A great name, she hopes. *She seems hesitant to help most people, and being forced to do absolutely anything pisses her off. She has no particular beliefs after being severed off from the world for most of her life. Prefers to stand.
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