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Everything posted by Fellzepp

  1. Fellzepp


    Benjamin del Ferro was born in the Viscounty of Rivia in SA 62, during the War of the Wigs. His father (NPC) was serving for the Empire, so he couldn't witness his kids' birth. His brother, Matthew del Ferro (NPC), was 2 years older than him. After ultimately returning from the Brothers' War, his father started training both of his kids in combat. While Ben was making consistent progress, Matt did better in every single test. Little Benjamin started getting more and more frustrated towards his brother. One day, his father tested both brothers with a blindfold. One kid put on the blindfold and had to try and guess the other kid's movements. It was Ben's turn. Part of Matt's training sword still had a cutting edge. He swung his sword towards Ben and struck his face, leaving a big wound on his left cheek. Ben became fed up. He took off his blindfold and lunged at Matt with all his strength, but his training sword couldn't deal any actual damage. His father managed to stop him. Since then, Benjamin began training for himself, as much as he could, but his brother was always a step ahead. Once Matt became 18 and left his home, part of Ben was angry for not beating him on time, but part of him missed him a little, in his own way. Ben decided that if he couldn't beat his brother, he would beat everyone else. He adopted a confident attitude to make himself known, and grew an interest for the militia. He had no idea where his brother went, but he promised himself to challenge if he ever found about his whereabouts. Once he reached the age of 18, he left his home and moved to Vienne, where he would begin his service in the Imperial Legion.
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