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Everything posted by WhosAButterfly

  1. WhosAButterfly


    Mao Mao was born of two highly ambitious parents in the land of Yong Ping. While they started off poor, though hard work and the opportunities provided by the economy of Yong Ping their parents gradually moved up the economic ladder. While Mao Mao was protected from most hardships by their parents, they still remember skipping meals as a kid because their family couldn't afford it. They also moved around a lot as their parents were able to afford better homes, loosing childhood friends to distance and the passage of time. Their parents wanted the best for them, so despite initially having little spare cash, they sent Mao Mao to attend classes, learn to read and write, learn fan dancing, calligraphy, art, theater. However, Mao Mao attended each for only a little bit, quickly loosing interest in favor of goofing off with their friends. As their family became more wealthy, Mao Mao became more used to a relaxed life style. This relaxed life style fell apart when their dad left. The problem with having highly ambitious people as parents is that one is always ready to leave for a better opportunity. Mao Mao didn't know what happened, their mom won't tell them, but one day their dad left for something better. Mao Mao's mom tries her best to afford them the best life they can have, but its hard on her own. So when Mao Mao came of age, they decided to learn as much as they can, earn a bunch of money, and support their family so they can live happily ever after.
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