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Everything posted by Hostilechonk

  1. Hostilechonk


    Born in the Haense settlement he was born with a heavily deformed face. His family was extremely supportive to him but his deformed face lead him to believe he was a freak. Although he never was bullied or insulted about his face but he got a lot of looks in public so he started wearing a large hood to cover his face. his parents although supportive, Never let him look in a mirror and the first time he did he tried sticking a hot poker into his eyes but his parents stopped him before he got to the second eye. After he finished his education he left to travel the world to learn botany and alchemy. He now lives in a shack as a vegetarian and farms herbs, spices and alchemical ingredients. As a child he admired the Aspects for protecting nature and wished to become a druid but as he grew he dropped that ambition for something more obtainable but still deep deep down in his heart he believes that some day in the distant future he could become a druid.
  2. Hostilechonk


    Born in the Haense settlement he was born with a heavily deformed face. His family was extremely supportive to him but his deformed face lead him to believe he was a freak. Although he never was bullied or insulted about his face but he got a lot of looks in public so he started wearing a large hood to cover his face. his parents although supportive, never let him look in a mirror and the first time he did he tried sticking a hot poker into his eyes but his parents stopped him before he got to the second eye. After he finished his education he left to travel the world to try learn alchemy and botany
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