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Everything posted by Alynacrazygurl

  1. Alynacrazygurl


    Aura was born and raised in a small cottage in Principality of Celia'nor all the way till she was 10 things were going smoothly, but 2 months after she turned 10 they got attacked by muggers, they told everyone in the small town so then they all moved to Elvenesse. Auras parents were very kind and humble as well as her sister and brother but after that attack they all got separated. Once Aura and her family moved to Elvenesse though, Aura felt like she had a whole new start so by the ages of 10-17 she tried her best to make friends but only got 3 close friends. Elvenesse education for her wasn't great as they looked down on her thinking she was a minority. When Aura was in the education system she got bullied a lot and that made her feel insecure and depressed so from ages 15-18 Aura was very self cautious but once she hit 18 she decided to move to Haelun'or Settlement where she hasn't moved since and after she turned 18 and left her family she has gotten better but she still cares some trauma with her and would have small panic attacks when ever reminded of the incident that happened when she was 10.
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