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Everything posted by mrhammer42

  1. mrhammer42


    he was born on a farm near The Kingdom of Oren and for the first few years of his life he was fighting for his parent's attention in a family that worships strength overall it was hard for him and his 14 older brothers. his father was an incredebly strict man but was kind to those around him and his mother was very loving but pushy at times. he lived on that farm for 12 years of his life his family had a decent amount of money enough to hire private tutors for him and his brothers. he ran away from home at the age of 12 and 4 years later he sat in the slums of Kal'Azgoth questioning what to do until it hit him that he was going to go home stronger than his brothers so he didnt have to fight for attention and he would never be forgotten by his family years later after living on the land, traveling, and training his mind, body, and, the spirit he hit a block and lost direction for some time wandering the land was all he had so he kept doing that he kept wandering in an endless search for strength.
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