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Everything posted by SuppaDuppaEdgeLord

  1. Valari Qinlossa was a high elven child left at the gates of Haelun'or days after being born. Found by a guard she was taken in and raised, although no one truly adopted her she bounced around from family to family who all treated the child with kindness and care and in return she would help them with chores or basic family needs. Essentially acting as the cities cycled child. Valari didnt mind this life, she was given plenty of attention and love. She was kept healthy and well taken care of and she got to make many friends within the high elven city. Yet it was her desire for knowledge, her curiosity that was never satisfied that would eventually be her downfall. Valari never knew her parents, she assumed she was abandoned because her parents didnt want her or couldnt care for her. Regardless she still wanted to know who they were and thus searches to this day for them. As Valari grew older so did her desire for knowledge. Not even 12 years old she found herself in the library daily studying constantly. Topics such as voidal magic. Her favorite topic was the legend of Larihei the first high elf who wielded such magic. However her most inclined topic was that of the Inferi which invaded Arcas, apparently a world before hers although she couldnt really imagine what anything but Almaris could be like. Regardless she read deeply into the topic of Naztherak and the "blessed ones" along with there cursed children. She wondered if all the horrible stories were so true. At the age of 17 she had become a full blown researcher but in the process had pushed others who once cared about her away, to enveloped in her quest for knowledge that she forgot anything but that existed... during one of her studies she cut her own hand for a test... self mutilation was a sin to the high elven purity and she had done it in the middle of the library for all to see. Quickly the elves who once cared for her mocked her with disgusted locks and the officials of the city demanded a purity trial. Out of fear for what may become of it Valari fled the high elven kingdom in search for a new life. Spending most of it on the road gaining knowledge little by little as she went. But no place really felt like home, Valari questioned her actions and her self worth. Those people had shown her nothing but kindness and at the first sign of trouble she ran... they must hate her for it and to be honest she wouldnt blame them, Perhaps one day she could go back... she had thought merely three years later starring upon the city from a distance but lacking the courage to go any closer... but that day was not today.
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