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Everything posted by pausedEd

  1. pausedEd


    Adora Rythorn was born an only child in Haverlock and her family grew up middle class and her father was a knight but sadly he died in The Sinners War when Adora was 3. A few years after her father's death when Adora was 7 she found out her mother was sick with an unknown sickness and Adora took care of her mother and tried to help her, but she was only 7 and the doctors were trying to help but it was an unknown sickness, and they didn't know how to cure her but sadly everything they tried didn't work and her mother ended up dying 3 years later. When Adora was 10 she moved to her grandparents, home Adora was very sad about her mother's death her grandparents didn't really talk to her and she was very lonely but a year after she moved to her grandparents, she was taught to read and write she also ended up making one friend named Elisebeth they were friends for a few years then they stopped talking awhile later when Adora was 16 she got her first job as a house maid and worked it the kitchen and learned how to bake and really liked it then when she was 20 her grandparents kicked her out of their house. Now Adora is looking for a job and a house.
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