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Everything posted by Free1151

  1. Free1151


    Far off the map, a village of a far off kingdom, was the village of Galakar. Sharry was born with similar features of bother her parents, the only difference was her albino looks. White hair, red eyes, and pale white skin. The village saw her as a bad omen, of terrible things to come. Everything bad that happened was blamed on the omen child. Not EVERYTHING was blamed and not everyone was as superstitious in the village but most. She made friends that loved to read like Tilly, Bulma, and Conrad who formed a little book club together. The non-superstitious villagers were actually nice to her. The general store owner, Malvin, would always make sure Sharry got her new books that were ordered, especially sense a few of the bullies like Julia and Terry would try to steal them from Sharry before she could safely get home. How ever, after a few bad crops and a termite infested fence let the cattle out, Sharry was almost thrown out of the village. Thankfully, her parents and the other level headed villagers reasoned with the rest and Malvin ordered extra food supply for the village and the fence was repaired. Sharry was not satisfied however. They almost threw her out, or worse and who knows what they could do next time something bad happens. Her parents tried to persuade her that everything was alright and that the villagers would eventually warm up to her, but there is Sharry was tired. So, in the dead of night, she snuck out and her book club met with her with supplies and a map. They knew where Sharry should go and how to prove herself. She would go to the lands of her story books. The continents of Almaris, and the kingdom of the High Elves, The Silver State of Haelun'or, would be her first stop. (Sorry for the long story, if I need to change anything please let me know. Also, I sense that a lot of people tried to use this server as a power fantasy. I will be sure to follow the rules and I plan to have this character grow as a person depending on the paths she takes and are presented to her.)
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