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  1. _MyMelody_


    Most of her life, Arabella lived on a ship that her parents owned. They would often sing lullaby's to Arabella when she was little to get her to sleep. As a toddler she LOVED living on the boat, and she never wanted to leave but as she got older, the crewmates would tell her stories about the Kraken who would lure sailors to their doom and they were never seen again, and that it was mostly female Captains to be taken.. The crewmates didn't like the idea of a female captain so they tried putting make-believe stories into her head. Arabella is an only child, so growing up she was lonely, and didn't really have any friends. There weren't any other children on the ship so her own family were her parents and some of the crew. Her parents tried to raise her to be a kind individual, god knows how she ended up where she is now, but as a child she was very kind hearted. Once, they were sailing through the sea and had come across a swamp, their ship had been caught on some mangrove roots, and the ship had been damaged. While the crew mates were moving the ship and repairing it Arabella ran off to go find resources to help them, she had come across an Aqua Nymph. She ran back showing everyone what a beautiful flower she had found. After they fixed the boat and set back on track, She saw someone got hurt from the crash, so she gave them the flower to make them feel better, not knowing it would heal them. In her early teenage years her parents would teach her all about the ship, and sailor life. Even though she had a bit of caution from those stories she was told, she didn't want to let anything hold her back from her dream. When she turned 16-17, Arabella's parents decided maybe it was best they started to live on land. They never told Arabella why, and she didn't want to push them in case they weren't ready to tell her. Around her 18th birthday her parents went on a trip to get her a present, They took the boat and waved goodbye, they said they would be home in a few days just in time for her birthday, but they never came back.. Now, a year later, she is still searching for them.
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