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Everything posted by Sarelth

  1. Sarelth


    Growing up in the Halstaig area, Alistair had few friends and never knew his father. His best friend was Balen. They did everything together exploring the woods near town to sneaking out at night and "raiding" the graveyard looking for zombies, they never found any however. Then Balen found love and got married, he was happy and had less time for his friend. They stayed in touch, but life was busy. Alistair started to grow bored of the rural life and began practicing lockpicking and swords skills. He hoped to join the Adunian Ranger Corps and make a name for himself, a dream he never fulfilled. He trained for hours and hours, slowly improving his skills, while still working in the local blacksmith. Evenings were spend at the tavern, having a couple drinks, eating a meal he didn't have to cook himself, and maybe breaking even in a game of cards or dice. Life passed slowly. but it did move along. Shortly after he turned 25, his mother passed away from a mysterious illness which none of the local apothecaries could identify. Being left completely on his own, he decided it was time to start travelling to see the world and learn some skills outside of the area he was in. He spemnt the next 3 years doing odd jobs where he could find them around the various towns he travelled to. Typical adventurer type jobs, clear out some pests, scare off some monsters, that sort of thing, just earning enough to make it to the next stop. Alistair has no siblings that he knows of, his mother was a local seamstress. He never found the one he wanted to settle down with a make a family. He has had love, but it was more of the fleeting kind. He once resorted to armed robbery to get enough money to pay for his meal, but vowed that he would not do that again.
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