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  1. Ooamee


    Ooame you could say had an easy and nice childhood with two loving parents and an annoying older brother. Although she loves her family very much, she doesn't see them very often because she moved away to start fresh. Growing up in her teenage years Ooame had a hard time trusting others this is because she has had some lovers who have used her, this is because she is a free spirit and down to earth wood elf. Other elves, male and female have taken advantage of that. Even though she is content with being by herself right now, in the long haul she wants to find her twin flame even if it is just found in a best friend. Being by herself alot, Ooame has read alot of books, anything you can think of from weird tales of Jarzun'Gorkil who lived in a beehive to picking up a random books on alchemy. She just loves to learn about anything and everything even if she will never need that knowledge again in her life.
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