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Everything posted by Julianblue

  1. Julianblue


    Hailing from a far Mountain Kingdom, Narvi grew up in the deep city with passion of protecting it and doing his family line of work to become a Guardian. Though him and his people were forced out by war of an invasion of dark forces, warbands from Orcs to Goblins; as Defender of the Mountain it was his job to fight. Now lonesome and homeless: a mercenary and hired guard now, hoping one day to return and reclaim his forgotten home.
  2. Julianblue


    The Dwarf Narvi hails from the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, where his family migrated and settled after its formation by Grand King Thorik Grandaxe. His Family is split upon two clans: his mothers line; a Ireheart. and his fathers line; Grandaxe. His people were loyalist during the rebellion, and loyalty held great strength towards Narvis Life through adventure and desolation as he grew. To a point in his life of where friend became foe, and foe became friend.. Now walking the world as a former town guard looking for work and shelter, his life that was grand in the past, has dwindled his trust and coin to the bottom of his pouch. His connection to the Grandaxe clan is hoped to be rekindled, but shares no sign of being one with his mothers clan color being worn. With no friends and family distant, he takes upon himself to decide where his journey will begin, or end.
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