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Everything posted by Red_LikeRoses

  1. Red_LikeRoses


    Konok Irongut was birthed by Yostrala Irongut in a dark cold cave on the outskirts of The Kingdom of Norland where his mother died during Konok's birth. His father, Varmul Irongut was the town's local blacksmith and he took care of Konok alone for his remaining life. In school Konok was often picked on for his abnormally large ears, he got called iron ears for the rest of his school life. He had a friend to help him cope with the bullying, Thalock the little cave spider. Although Thalock could never speak as he was a spider, Konok had a wild imagination so it worked out. Growing up without a mother, he looked up to his father as the prime role model in his life. When Konok turned 12 his father began to teach him about blacksmithing, sadly on a warm summer day, he went on a trip with his father to The Kingdom of Haense to collect some iron ingots from a friend of his father's. On the way there they both started to cross a bridge and Varmul tripped over a loose plank, due to the weight of his smithing hammer he fell to the right and through the bridge's rail. He splashed and panicked in the water as Konok watched in horror, screaming for help. As he saw the last few bubbles surface to the air Konok made a vow to become a better blacksmith than his father. Continuing on with his life he took over his father's blacksmith and read his blacksmithing journal every night.
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