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Status Updates posted by JTMedea



















    A Celebratory Get Together 


    Greetings Dear Friends


    We extend an invitation unto thee, to join us for a merry gathering dinner. The occasion is to be held on the [Date Specified: 7th of April, 2 PM EST]. There shall be feasting and drinking, to delight the senses. All of good heart and cheer are welcome to attend, and feel free to bring along thy companions and kin. We ask that thou come dressed in thy finest attire, and bring happiness and joy to our dinner. We look forward to thy presence at this joyous occasion, and anticipate a night of revelry and fellowship. Until we meet again, may fortune smile upon thee.

    Countess Medea Amaranta Taliame'onn De Astrea


    Invite Distributed by Walter Blanc


    Invite List: 

    - Paramount Larissa Taliame'onn De Astrea and her family 

    - Members of the Raven Knights

    - Members of the Len'velulaei Knights

    - Grimm Halfaway-Sturmstrike

    - Kyl'lian 


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