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About JTMedea

  • Birthday 07/03/2004

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    JT Medea#4435
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  1. After sending out the invites she would begin preparing her wedding dress and taking care of a few last things before the wedding "This is going to be the second time I get married to a doctor" She joked to herself before looking out her palace window "I made him wait long enough.."
  2. Union of the Violet and Raven [!] Birds deliver the invitations all over the land of Aevoes with flocks of butterflies. It is with great honor that we extend our invitations to beloved family and friends to attend this union of La Reine, Medea Viola De Astrea and Consort Walter Blanc on this joyous day within Vikela's Palace. Join us as they go through Vikela’s wedding traditions and watch them exchange their vows to intertwine their souls, becoming one. We implore guests to indulge in tasty food and delicious drinks after the ceremony while the newly wed couple share their first dance as husband and wife. We look forward to your attendance and sharing this magical day with you all. Please note that fighting will not be allowed during the event and weapons will be confiscated before entering the city unless asked permission by either the head of the military or the paramount. List of Invitations: ARISTOCRACY OF VIKELA Members of House Viola @Kayleigh_P Members of House Blanc @Aw_0ken Ses Gras, Arch Dyòk Cyprien De Astrea & His pedigree @HogoBojo Ses Gras, Dyòk Xavier adlier & His pedigree @MockingbirdArt Ses Mecyril , Viskont Gregious Roa and his Pedigree @Me_llamo... Ses Mecyril , Cyril Ahmanu Chaephyra and their House. @PhilosopherBear Tèt Treasurer Ofisyè Andria Aldin of House Aldin and her Pedigrees. @Tigergiri Tèt Magic Ofisyè Nepir Wolfguard of House Wolfguard and his Pedigrees. @nepir The Vel’yul Clan and their Pedigree @Kumoko600 Tèt Magistrate Ofisyèl Anastatsya Þér Heskynne & Their pedigree @Periphonics Tet Chevalye premye Mayan Avern & her pedigree @TheRainbowRoyal Tèt Steward Ofisyèl Illyana @Kayleigh_P The Chimaera Military and Raven Knights are all required to be on duty during the event. Vikela citizens are all welcome to come! The Treasured Members of the CCC The Silver Lubba Lumia Uialben and her people of The Serene State of Lurinher @Snow1770 Monarch Lenora Jusmia of Vortice and her people. @Bethinwonderland Emperor King Cyris Collingwood III and his people. @Hearth The Respected Members of the Confederation Theveus Sythaerin Sohaer of Haelun’or and his people. @MailC3p Yera Silveira, Overlord of Kaethul, and her people. @Ewdrawings KLOG’AKAAL, Rex of Krugmar, Ruler of the Desert and his people. @LobsterLarry Special Invitations: HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Sybille I, The Queen of Balian and her people. @HIGH_FIRE His Royal Majesty, The Prince of Fi'andria, Prince of Celia'nor, Itthrak Ibarellan and his people. @Moping Her Royal Majesty, Tar-Caraneth Aryante, Queen of the Numenedain and her people. @AstriaS Shugo Kato Oijin and the citizens of Koyo-Kuni @Reckless Banzai Screamer The free City of Hohkmat and all who wish to come @Minuvas Dyonne of Nevaehlen and her people. @Candle Iosefka Anarórë and their Pedigree. @ichigomaster98 Farian Malto of Clan Gylldene and his Pedigree. @PestyWarlock Grimm Halfaway-Sturmstrike and his Pedigree. @simpleglitchbro Mika Anarion and his Pedigree. @mika1278 Madoc’lur and his shaman lodge. @Sewer_Rat The Undying Pipsqueak! Ser Spuds and his Pedigree. @Turbo_Dog The House of Maiheiuh. @AuJy
  3. The elfess has been having many busy days in her nation, documents piled and construction of Vikela's palace was progressing. The elfess took a seat from building to take in the beautiful scenery, just then a bird arrived with a letter. Upon opening the letter, the elfess fell limp when her eyes landed upon the news of her aunt's passing. Warm tears once again streamed down the elfess's face. Her aunty was right, over time they grew apart and the past was never made amends, but she loved her aunt truly. "Aunty..." The elfess cried "I'm sorry...I should have been better...I wish I could have fixed what was broken...I'm sorry for letting you down..." Medea puts the letter down as she looked up to the cloud, her hands together like she was praying "May you find peace in the eternal forest...if we were to ever meet again, I would gladly be your niece once more..."
  4. Medea would be on her daily stroll within her kingdom when a bird arrived with a missive. The elfess was not expecting a letter today but here we are, a letter has been sent. She took the letter and went into her bar, preparing some calming tea for the day. The elf sat down at the counter, opening the letter. She lifted up her tea cup to take a sip before her eyes landed upon the words written on the missive. The tea cup fell to the ground, along with dropping the letter. Medea covered her mouth from learning the news, "No..." The elf gasped as tears began to stream down her face "This can't be...not Elena.." She placed her left hand on her chest as if her heart was in pain "No.." The elfess sobbed within her bar. "You promised to take care of Luthien for me Elena...who else can I trust to protect her now...oh dear friend...we still had so many memories to share..."
  5. Issued 14th of The Deep cold, Year 171 of the Second Age ARTICLE I: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I. The City-State of Hohkmat acknowledges the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Vikela, and the right to govern their lands. Inversely, the Kingdom of Vikela acknowledges the City-State of Hohkmat’s right to govern within the bounds of their state. ARTICLE II: ACADEMIC EXCHANGE I. The City-State of Hohkmat and the Kingdom of Vikela (Henceforth referred to as ‘the signatories’) agree to the exchange of magical goods and knowledge to further the academic progress of both states, specifically within the realms of the arcane and the alchemical. II. The signatories will encourage tutelage in arcane and alchemical arts across borders, allowing free passage to teachers and students between both states. Students from the Kingdom of Vikela will be allowed and encouraged to seek tutelage in the City State of Hohkmat, and inversely, the same will be afforded to students of Hohkmat to the Kingdom of Vikela. III. Both signatories are permitted to request copies of books from the other signatory’s libraries, to fill gaps of knowledge within their own. These requests will be processed and assessed through each state’s Head Librarian. IV. The signatories will encourage attendance to academic events hosted by either state, such as classes, demonstrations, and the creations of magical artifacts. V. The signatories will agree to assist one another where possible, in the creation of new magical artifacts and feats. ARTICLE III: TRADE I. Alongside encouraging the exchange of arcane goods, the signatories will promote all forms of trade between states. Merchants from each signatory will be allowed free passage and a right to advertise their goods in the other’s state. II. Both signatories will receive a tax-free market stall of their choice in the other’s territory, which will remain untaxed unless the agreement is found to be terminated. ARTICLE IV: COOPERATION & APOSTASY I. The signatories mutually acknowledge the threat that dark, infernal, and necromantic beings pose against the people of Aevos, as well as the threat of rogue magi and wielders of forbidden magic (All henceforth collectively referred to as ‘apostates’). Both signatories pledge their full efforts to seek out and destroy these threats where they are discovered. II. The signatories agree to share information regarding the possible locations and operations of apostates, and to provide mutual assistance regarding their extermination. Hohkmat’s Chamber of Fire will seek to work with the Kingdom of Vikela’s military forces in the event of an apostate threat on either state, provided this does not contradict the City-State of Hohkmat’s existing agreement with the Commonwealth of the Petra. III. The signatories agree to communicate freely regarding suspicions of apostate creatures or sorcerers within the other’s state, encouraging and collaborating on investigations to root out infiltrators. IV. Any sorcerer of Hohkmat or citizen of Vikela discovered as an apostate in the other’s state will be extradited back to their state of origin for trial. V. The signatories will also share information on the creation and location of any Voidal Tears, and will provide mutual assistance to each other in closing these rifts in the Veil. ARTICLE V: DURATION & TERMINATION I. This agreement will go into effect immediately upon signing, and will last until either: A. One of the two parties chooses to break the agreement, requiring a year of advance notice before the pact is terminated. B. The City-State of Hohkmat gains independence and is no longer considered a vassal of the Commonwealth of the Petra. Upon this, the signatories will reconvene to forge a new pact, with the possibility of defensive and non-aggression agreements being considered. GRAND-MAGISTER, Sorcerer-King, Hierophant of the Mysteries, Master of the Ziggurat of Hohkmat Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raonòir, Seat of Nortrebanc, Court Mage of the River Court of the Commonwealth, Deputy Speaker of the Garmont Assembly of the Petra, and Representative for the Sorcerous State of Hohkmat SOVRÈN MAJESTÉ, Reine Medea Amaranta Viola De Astrea, The Queen of Vikela, La Violetta TÈT MINISTER OF MAJI, Member of the Crystal Court, Lord Nepir ‘Wolfguard’
  6. Sorrows of a Violet “No one was around so you decided to come out personally?!” Sentences echo inside of the elfess’s head. “You have a precious position in the entire Kingdom and you went out all on your own? This is why you’re always needed to be babysat!” The elfess sat there in her bar, alone like usual. A glass of wine as her only company, but she couldn’t complain, wine always did help her forget. “You got this badly hurt and you still say you’re fine?!” The elfess takes sip, trying to block out all the noise. “When will you stop worrying me, Suika…” She takes another sip, pain was something she had grown used to…physical, mental, emotional, she’s grown used to it all, to this elf, pain was just another normal feeling. “You wish to learn the arts of healing without being healed yourself…hmmm?” Finally she feels warm tears begin to stream down her face, it seems that that’s all she’s been doing for the past few years. Smiling in front of her loved ones and letting the tears flow down her cheeks when she sits alone. The elfess closes her eyes, trying to remember when she was truly happy, when she really had no worries…and within her own mind she sees a woman, her golden sunlight eyes were something the elfess would never forget, and her sweet voice was one that this elfess always found comfort in. “Medea, my Little Lion.” The elfess would smile, remembering the sweet yet powerful voice of her mother. She was a woman this elfess looked up to from the very first day they met, someone that Medea did her best to fight for and be strong for, even though sometimes it feels hard to do so. Remembering her mother always did bring a smile to her face but that smile only lasts for a few seconds cause she knows she will never get to hear that voice in the real world again. “Mon Cheri..I'm sorry.” Another gentle voice she remembers, the man she married, the man she shared many loving memories with, the man she had beautiful children with, surely the voice of this man is what brings her joy? It did…for a long time…until he left her and she was alone once more. “I leave Vikela in your hands now, sister.” Another sweet voice that Medea misses, a voice she knows she will also never get to hear again, surely her sister is peacefully resting with her mother now. All of a sudden the search for a good memories turns into torture. “You’re reckless.” “Stop acting like a child” “Think before you act.” “You’re not doing it right.” “Work harder.” “You’re going to get us killed.” “You’re weak.” “You will never be good enough.” The elfess feels herself drowning in despair. “When will I be enough…” Surrounded by love, surrounded by family, surrounded by friends, yet this elf finds herself feeling lonely, feeling guilt, feeling hopeless. “How do I be better for them..?” “How do I become a better mother..?” “How do I become a better partner…?” Questions she asks herself everyday. Questions that sinks her deeper and deeper into her despair, and the further she falls, the harder it becomes to crawl back to the surface…the harder it becomes to make her way back to the light.
  7. The Pact of Healing, Health and Vitality As her spirit left her body, she ascended to the sky filled with stars before going into a domain. She would be greeted with an ancient door in a dark room, and upon the back wall, written on it was a question, “The reality is not what we make it out to be, can you make out your own reality?” Medea would look at the door, wondering if she was supposed to go through it or not, but seeing as there was no other way to go, she grabbed onto the door handle, opening the door and going through it with her teacher. Once Medea passed through the other side, she felt at ease. It looked like a paradise. The area was lush with vibrant colors and greenery, palm trees covered in vines, berries and fruits growing from its trunk. Next to Medea was a river leading to a lake with a beach. In the distance there would be a large mountain, possibly a sleeping volcano that had mythical and normal animals roaming about on it. She looked at herself, and noticed she was dressed in an all white Vikelian style clothing though with no jewelry or crown. She would then notice a nine tailed fox approaching and looking up at her. Upon seeing the fox, she would then greet the animal out of instinct. “Hello there.” The elf said with a smile. The fox would then begin walking towards the river and seemed to be expecting the elfess to follow it, so she did. Once they reached the river, she would notice in the middle of the lake, many Makar would be swimming within the lake, however one with tattoos would emerge from the lake and begin making its way towards Medea. The creature's trunk was long and its body was covered in scales, however the artistic design had meaning behind it. Mist began to disperse and a monk arose, a smile rested upon his face as he held his beads close. From behind, Ember would walk up to stand next to Medea. The monk and Ember would exchange bows and then the monk and Medea would do the same. The monk would begin to speak in ancient blah, but to Medea’s ears she would hear Vikelian and common. “Bonayla Valvyol Riene” The monk greeted Medea. “I am Qu’ spirit of mending and relaxation. I am not greater than who keeps this domain, she is more powerful than us, but I represent her many forms of healing, what is it that you seek?” The monk asked Medea. “I wish to make a pact of Healing, Health and Vitality.” Medea would politely answer the monk. “Time is the fire in which we burn, memories are the nail in which we all step on and remember the pain later on. You wish to learn the arts of healing without being healed yourself…hmmm?” The Monk seemed rather intrigued about Medea as he got close and examined her. Medea would have a sad expression upon her face as she would remember all her memories she had not yet healed from. “That is true..I myself have not been healed and it will be a long time before I am fully healed. But I hope that with this, I will be able to move on from the past, letting all my scars close and be able to live on knowing that even though I could help the people from my past, I can continue to live on to help others in the future.” “I wish to see what you can do, build the healer a shrine, bring forth new spiritualists, and build a temple for her and us.” The monk said while looking down at Medea with a smile of encouragement. “Once you do this, and master all there is on this gift, you will be the first of your kind to follow us. Be happy and heal the heart, mind and soul of others.” Medea nodded to the monk’s request “I understand.” “Now go forth.” With those last words from the monk, Medea would be returned to the mortal realm.
  8. Steller Decree Issued 18th of Malin’s Welcome, SA 170 It is with great pleasure and honor that I, Medea Viola De Astrea, Queen of Vikela, hereby declare the acceptance of the noble Adiler family into the esteemed fold of our kingdom. After careful consideration and deliberation, it has been decided that the Adiler family shall be granted land within Vikela's borders for the establishment of the duchy of Maehr'nor. Furthermore, in recognition of their noble lineage and contributions to our kingdom, I hereby confer upon Xavier Adiler the prestigious title of Duke of Maehr'nor. This title shall be hereditary, passing down through the generations of the Adiler family as a symbol of their esteemed status within our realm. The duchy of Maehr'nor shall serve as a bastion of prosperity, culture, and governance within Vikela's domain, fostering cooperation and unity among our people. It is my sincere hope that the Adiler family will uphold the values of honor, integrity, and service as they oversee the affairs of their new duchy. May this union between the Kingdom of Vikela and the Adiler family bring about a new era of prosperity and harmony for all who dwell within our lands. Signed, SOVRÈN MAJESTÉ, Reine Medea Amaranta Viola De Astrea, The Queen of Vikela, La Violetta His Grace, Xavier Adiler, Duke of Maehr’nor, Patriarch of House Adiler
  9. Name: Medea Viola race: Mali'ker and Mali'ame shaman class: Farseer Teacher: Ember Mah’nel
  10. The Forge and Forest Union Attention esteemed residents of Vikela! We are delighted to announce the joyous union of Mayilu'maln and Andria Va'eylul at the Grand Harvest wedding ceremony. The couple's Clan, along with a select few guests and their cherished relatives, are cordially invited to partake in this momentous occasion. We request the pleasure of your esteemed presence at this auspicious ceremony, and kindly ask that you grace the occasion with your finest attire. (Saturday at 1pm est)
  11. The Butterflies Fly Towards The Crystals [!] A trained bird from Vikela soars alongside a small flock of Azure Monarch Butterflies, dropping a letter for those who witness their flight from the Jungles of Beleth. Greetings traveler and New friend, As gentle breezes stir, I extend a hearty invitation to our cherished home , The Kingdom of Vikela - or as I lovingly call it The City of Crystals. Within our fortress, where we treasure the meaning of each crystal, more than just pretty rocks. Tales of fortitude and unity, pressure beyond belief and quality above quantity. We would like to invite you to our gates to those seeking refuge, solace, and a haven for their aspirations. As you have probably seen, our Butterflies have taken flight. Each soul carries a unique tale, woven with victories and trials, they search for their like minded individual. In that we trust. Let us together spin a narrative that exalts diversity, where every voice resonates and every heart finds its place. As we trust in the God of other realms, or Whomever brings you to us. For there must have been a reason. In Vikela, our crystals symbolize the virtues of our people. Amethyst for unity, emerald for leadership, sapphire for wisdom, ruby for courage, diamond for integrity, pearl for diplomacy, opal for creativity, topaz for generosity, and amber for vitality. Together, they reflect the qualities of decency and excellence in our citizens, each contributing to our flourishing kingdom. Follow the butterflies home to Vikela, Where we hope your virtue finds wings, and your heart a true home. With love and anticipation, I eagerly await your arrival. SOVRÈN MAJESTÉ, Reine Medea Amaranta Viola De Astrea, The Queen of Vikela, La Violetta
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