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  1. putr


    Aurelion was born and grew up in Elvennese. There he met his only friend he has everv had in his mischievous life. before meeting the boy that would set him on the correct path in life he would run around causing mayhem for his neighbours. His parents would often try and make him work in the fields or in stores where they sold many things to adventurers. One day, while he was running around antagonizing his neighbours, he saw a very short and fragile looking boy. He stopped and approached him asking if he needed any food as he wanted to change himself for the greater good. After he became friends with the boy, he stopped with the bad in his life and started to learn how to read, write and most importantly fight for he had wanted to impress the boy and make him proud that he could call him his friend. He made that he would find him again some day. While in Sutica he continued his studies learning anything and everything he could fit inside his mind while walking past shops and stalls, he overheard people talking about a certain boy he once made a promise to. Thus he went inside to find more information about the boy and his whereabouts. Upon leaving the shop, he began his adventures to find his friend he made a promise to once before.
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