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Duchy of Vidaus

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Everything posted by Duchy of Vidaus

  1. AS OF 441 E.S. THE BLACK COMPANY of 440 E.S. Men of Canondom, His Grace seeks able-bodied bannermen to defend the northern marches of Hanseti-Ruska. You shall be paid for every heathen and savage slain in defence of His Grace’s domain. Further information may be found posted out front of the Black Barracks. Edrick of Branhavn, Man of the Black A GRAND OPPORTUNITY! Those men of great fortune, I write to you now, for I know there are many in the Kingdom and beyond. Few, though, are those who may boast that a street bears their name. I am pleased to announce the auctioning of the names of both the square and market of Branhavn. Do note that I shall not accept any profane or idiotic suggestions by the highest bidder. Should an agreement not be reached I shall contact the second highest, and so on. His Excellency, Mikhail I of Vidaus LOOKING FOR A SWIFT MAN! I seek a trustworthy man of proper stock to deliver my messages. You must be able to outrun my son, Vladimir. I shall not have a lead-footed mongrel doing my bidding. His Excellency, Mikhail I of Vidaus A CALL TO MINERS! Hear ye, northmen! The Duke requires four miners to dig tunnels ‘neath the village! Applicants must be formidable and tight-lipped. Vadim of Vidaus, Crier to Mikhail I SEEKING HERBALISTS! His Grace seeks an alchemist to take up shop in the square! He requests that they be knowledgeable in potions useful in combat, as well as healing in the traditional methods. The Duke distrusts the so-called ‘modern,’ medicine practised by many and instead prefers the study of humoral balance. Word is to be sent to Their Graces in Druzstra. Vadim of Vidaus, Crier to Mikhail I THE ELECTION OF BRANHAVN Streltsy of Vidaus, With the swift progression that has been made in Branhavn, it has been deemed necessary for subjects skilled in finance and administration to make themselves known. An election is to be held for a Maer to the village, whose duties shall be to monitor Branhavn in the absence of the Duke and I. Candidates are to send a letter to Druzstra. Her Grace, Margrait I of Vidaus GOD BLESS BRANHAVN
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