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Creepy Banana

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  1. Creepy Banana


    Born from a merchant farfolk father and a heartlander mother, Kylo grew up in the city of Oren with his twin brother. Due to his parents being comparatively wealthy to most, they could afford a decent education from a private tutor for both their children. As a teenager, Kylo helped out a lot at home, hearing tales of foreign lands from his father who eventually passed away in a shipwreck when he was only 16. The stories he heard from his dad along with his natural talent for studying gave him the inspiration to explore the world to learn as much as he could. Coming from a fairly wealthy merchant family, Kylo and his brother had enough money for the two of them to purchase supplies for a trip around Almaris. He now travels from settlement to settlement, writing all that he learns in a leather journal gifted to him by his late father.
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