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  1. tholedfilar


    Tholed's parents met in the realm of Arcas as Sutican citizens. His father provided care for his wife and Tholed through subsistence farming, allowing for a comfortable upbringing. However, both his parents took up arms during the Sutican War, and his mother was killed by an Orenian raider in the Free City. Tholed witnessed his mother's death as she rushed in battle, and the untreated trauma from watching her death eventually resulted in his personality disorder. In his grief, Tholed's father blamed the leadership under Corwin von Alstreim, and fled to the Kingdom of Norland. Tholed's mental health continued to suffer, which remained unnoticed by his father, who struggled to provide for both of them after wartime injuries. In aiding his father, Tholed managed to gain basic skills as a farmer, but did not truly enjoy the serene lifestyle of a farmer. Tholed did attempt to practice the Red Faith, but other practitioners expelled him after he chafed with his patron Paragon for extremist views not compatible with the religion. His notorious reputation led the Marshal of Norland to discharge Tholed as a conscript soldier in the reserves. His discharge from the military meant that he no longer had an outlet for his violent tendances, where he began to redirect them to people in the night...
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