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Everything posted by PuppyPotter1234

  1. PuppyPotter1234


    Born in Celia'nor Nyx had a difficult upbringing. From ages 0-17 she lived in the place of her birth. At the age of 2 her parents had another child, a little girl her sister Luna. But her sister was abused by their parents because she was deaf, so their parents considered her defective. While all this was happening, Nyx felt helpless because she loved her sister, but she also loved her parents. So, she didn't know what to do to get her parents to stop. Nyx would always end up feeding and taking care of her sister since her parents didn't bother to. This continued until Nyx was 16 when finally, her parents abused Luna to the point of death. This sent Nyx into depression for the next year. While Nyx was dealing with her depression her parents continually acted like nothing had happened, and like Luna never existed. Finally, on what would have been Lunas 15th birthday Nyx decided she was done with this life, so she ran away at the age of 17. She figured out how to survive on her own and found a place to live while also being able to go help others and make sure they would never have to feel helpless like she did.
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