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  1. HotShot4922


    Orym was from a poor but large family. Their Father forced the boys into Military service hoping for them to one day pay off their debts and rise their family in society. Orym was born in the Principality of Celia'nore and raised in Fiandr'ia. During his early years, Orym was picked on a lot for being a bastard, and putting an even further strain on the already struggling family. (Orym never did find out who his mother really was) His only relief from the bulling was his older half brother Celius Cerusil. Whether it bring the other family members or school kids Celius always treated Orym as part of the family. Knowing that some day Celius would some day carry on as the family head he (Orym) swore to himself that he will do everything he can for his brother sake. Although still a bastard he was still proud to share the same name. By the age of of 30 Orym decide to travel to Nor'Asath to train as a solider. After about 10 years of working in the Military he left back to Fiandr'ia to find his brother.
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