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  1. Sarin_HCI


    He was abandoned for reasons unknown. He was taken in by a group of orcs until the age of 15 when a couple of orcs who originally opposed taking him made an attempt on his life by lighting him on fire. . he barely escaped and ended up becoming severely burned which causes him to now cover his entire body. He was found unconscious by an unnamed Kharajyr and was taken to high elves for treatment. (note: he never returned to the orcs as he thought the entire group betrayed him and wanted him dead.) High elves reluctantly took him in and unsurprisingly he faced discrimination as someone was raise by orcs for 15 years. As High Elves tend to treat other high elves with intelligence/skill in things like finer craftsmanship, strategy, sciences, writing, fine arts, and magic with kindness and appreciation, He ended up becoming obsessed with gaining knowledge of any sort to prove his worth to anyone. His first name, Scy'thal [sigh-thal], is a modified version of his orc name "Zy'Tahk" to sound more elf like. His second name, Deldhi, was given to him by the high elves. It means "silent horror" as a means to subtly mock his burned look and lack of speech when he originally was taken in by them. Despite despising orcs and being discriminated by high elves he tends to act a lot like both. He is quite fond of combat after being trained by orcs since he was young. He tends to carry a cold ,logical, and insensitive mind set as well as a negative disposition towards other races same as other high Elves. He also doesn't always speak eloquently as other high elves do as he was raised by orcs for half his life so at times especially when he is stressed or unfocussed he reverts to speaking blah.
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