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  1. RussianHottie


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story" Tinsel froze, looking at the old hag for a moment, "Me?" She had slowly walked over to the woman before hesitantly sitting down in front of her on the small dusty cushion. Tinsels face lit up with a smile before she started rambling. "I live with my parents- well not anymore- that was before I found Nyrru" Tinsel had paused for a moment to look around the tent, back at the entrance, "She is actually around here somewhere!" continuing on, "My parents don't pay much attention to me so I often find myself out exploring. I like making all kinds of jewelry and I am an amazing gift giver!" She would look down playing with her bracelet as she spoke. "I came from this small town called Urguan, ever since my family and I settled there I thought it would be nice," she stopped for a moment thinking of what to say next. "Actually it wasn't that nice, but it was home, boring, but home" her expression softened, "Now I'm traveling with Nyrru, we are off to this place she always speaks of, it sounds so beautiful!" Tinsel would sit up bringing herself back from her daydream. "She always talks about it, she is so wise. I'm not really sure where it is but I trust her completely!" Immediately changing her attention, Tinsel remembered that she wasn't meant to be here long and felt like she was talking to this lady for hours. She could talk for hours. "Well it was nice talking to you! I have to go and find Nyrru... I don't want her to walk away like last time, I'm sure it was a mistake!" Tinsel stood up moving very fast for a little dwarf and swiftly took the bracelet of her wrist. She smiled before looking up at the lady, "Here, I just made this, its only small rocks but Nyrru said it was cute!" Once the hag took the gift Tinsel happily skipped out of the tent, on to the next adventure. (More on her backstory): Tinsel Copperbeard was born in a nice village called Urguan. Her being a forest dwarf made her a very curious little creature. Although she was small, she had large ambitions. She climbed trees, crossed rivers, rolled through bushes and crafted many small trinkets all on her own! She was a cheerful little dwarf. She would always walk up to almost every stranger she saw, shaking their hand, giving them a high five, or even just begin chatting to them about her favorite types of berries. Little Tinsel was always found alone with no supervision. This was due to her parents being too busy to really watch her all day. She’d leave the house after breakfast and be back by sundown. But one day Tinsel grew even more curious then before as she saw a tall dusty skinned woman walk along a path by the lake she loved to play around. The lady’s bright white hair and shiny purple eyes caught Tinsel’s eye. She ventured over to the tall woman, greeting her with a warm smile and light clicks of her heals. The woman bent down politely and gave her light pats on the head and questioned where she had come from. Tinsel gestured towards the town but was more curious of where the lady was going and who she was. The lady’s name turned out to be Nyrru a young dark elf who was on an adventure of her own. Tinsel begged for her to bring her along but Nyrru refuse seeing as though she was so young and her parents would be worried sick. Nyrru walked off with a wave leaving little Tinsel behind. Or so she thought, Tinsel followed behind her sneakily for about a mile before she realized. When she did there was no going back, they were too far away now and the sun was beginning to set. Nyrru had no choice but to let her come with. Tinsel was nearly jumping for joy when she was told she was allowed to tag along for a real adventure with a strong woman like Nyrru. This was only the beginning of their journey towards Vikela, the place where Nyrru was headed for some odd reason but Tinsel didn’t mind!
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