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Posts posted by RatFromTheTrash

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             old enough


    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  2. Pupils of amethyst caught sight of the letter, gaze trailing along the ink. 




    Grief. Such a charted ocean for the scar ridden 'ker suddenly caught him in the pull of its unrelenting tides.


    It was just a boy that had grown to see Enomi as family, ankles already dipped in that retrenched oceans shores. But, it was a drowning man now that needed her most, selfish as it may.


    Needed, but gone. A star in his constellation snuffed out, though a candle hued of black was lit instead, safely resting within the controlled confines of his own home.


    "Goodbye, Enomi." - "...I thank you, for everything."

  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Cassius (Uhier)


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             dark elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    In an unknown exchange, Vaasek, the Daemon of Anxiety and Fallacy, may offer a blessing to the blind, giving them sight and, should they be sanctioned, an array of different powers at their leisure to spread his ideas for manipulation and lies, though in return they unknowingly spread Vaasek’s own view over the lands, becoming a sort of Witness for him.


    This exchange, in all of Vaasek’s paranoid power to remain completely hidden, is blind to even other gods and deities, a fully undetectable deal. Even the person themselves remains blind to it, simply believing it to be a blessing from whatever deity they may worship, never Vaasek himself as his unknown to almost all.


    Under no circumstances will a Seer ever let the lie of their existence go, and such will never tell a Non-Seer the true inner workings of their blessing, instead opting to pose and explain their abilities through other magics, will it be a fortune teller, an oracle, blessed child, its their life now. 


    Should a Seer ever even attempt to spill the lie, they’d find themselves immediately cut off, unable to continue speaking as their mind draws a blank. They’d soon find an inescapable headache and loss of magic, though only for a small amount of time, unless they plan on breaking the deal again.  




    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There's two types of Seers, feat level Seers that have been gifted Vaasek’s blessing for a blotched rendition of their previous sight, and magic level Seers that have been gifted an array of abilities and improved sight to spin lies and delusions of their own, instilling chaos into the world around them. 



    Feat Seer


    To become a feat seer, one would have to find themselves with a complete loss of sight, whether it be from birth or from an unlucky battle, their sight must be gone. Once their sight and often hope is lost, a final prayer may be made though to any deity, but of course only one will answer. FA seer does not require a teacher to learn, only a forum post showing the characters pray at their lowest.


    Feat seer only provides very limited sight which only works when one's eyes are covered, by a blindfold or alike. Even then, they may only see up to 8 blocks, and even that is still a struggle, suffering from many eye floaters which often makes activities like reading rather difficult. 


    Though feat seers, like their MA counterpart, may never reveal the true nature of their gift, or even reveal that they have one. They may either be rped as just another blind person, using stuff like a guide dog or other reasons as a way for the character to explain why they can get around still, or, only if them losing sight permanently was never known, they may still act as if they can see perfectly fine, but must keep their eyes hidden.



    Magic Seer


    When a Seer picks up an MA, they become further boned or boned properly in the first place with their witness, allowing them to use spells, increase their vision, and properly push Vaasek’s needs and ideals. To do this, a TA seer must perform the Ritual of Sanctioning on an individual. It is not necessary to be a FA seer or to even be blind to have it done, as the ritual may blind the person. There are single slot seers and two slot seers, with slot two giving access to more abilities. 


    Of course, this power isn't without a downfall to the descendants themselves. A delusion or fallacy of their own lashes onto their mind, affecting them just as much as they may affect others. These can be shown in a range of different ways, encouraging players to be creative and come up with one that fits their character's storyline, not just one for ease.  Each slot adds a new delusion or fallacy, so two slot seers will have two separate delusions or fallacies.


    Also, all MA seers must follow the 3 tenets set out by Vaasek. 


    MA seers may not harm other MA seers, unless allowed by the other themselves.


    MA seers can’t ever reveal another MA seers secrets, plans or schemes.


    And of course, MA seers can never reveal themselves or their magic to any non MA seers.


    Letting these tenets so they can be followed correctly, seer’s find themselves able to recognize each other through simple eye contact or just hearing names. This doesn't reveal anything about the seer themselves, other than that they are kin and must be protected.


    A seer will find themselves able to channel 3 different casting aesthetics to use for selling their identity more and will also appear when channeling spells. Casting aesthetics can be pretty much anything, as long as it clearly appears magical, but they cannot be used to harm, and therefore cant be used in combat.




    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?




    Cassius’ digits curl about the fan’s wooden handle, amethyst pupils drifting along the surface of the fan, attention pulled from his surroundings to fall on the object. Just a moment later, a mist seeped from his pores, filling the air about his hands and the fan with a mix of purple and pink hues. Soon, what seemed to be stars joined the fray, shimmering from within. 


    [!] A breath left the ‘ker, gaze still locked precisely on the fan as he studies along its surface, catching and lingering on every little detail. Still, that mist drifted along the surface of Cassius’ hands as well as the fan, almost sticking to it.


    [!] Suddenly, Cassius’ gaze grows wide with the sudden wash of information, the mist finally retreating back to his skin, vanishing from the air. Now, knowledge of the objects purpose, origin, any enchantments, cipher or even a vision rests in his mind. 



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?




    (not very in depth as seer teaching is done OOCly. Spells IC are learnt through dreams upon reaching the correct tier)


    Come, listen closely. You'll find this trick useful.” Chimed the ‘ker towards his student, a scarred hand lofted to gesture them close, a paper within his grasp. 


    [student emote] 


    Cassius extended a hand out, digits curling around the air as if a pen was in his clutch. “Best to use this when writing letters to our kin.” - “Much safer” He murmured, lowering his hand to the paper, though the position remained the same. Eventually, ink invisible to most was sprawled over the sheet's surface till a simple smiley face appeared, but only MA seers will find themselves able to view such an amazing creation.


    [student emote] 


    Only those with our gift can view this artwork, and anything sprawled of the same ink, just as you saw in the dream.” He explained, head bobbing in agreement with his own words. “Go, go. Show me yours.


    [student emote]


    Yes! Perfect.” He chirped, gaze easily flickering along the Caecic writing. “Remember this skill. It will do you well.



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Should it be while I’m explaining or teaching a spell, I would correct the mistake and explain why it can’t be done and what the mistake exactly was. But, should the mistakes continue to a point the redlines and my correction are being ignored, I would contact ST about the issue.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             70 ish at time of death


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Ghouls were once fallen descendants who’ve been plucked from the soulstream through the Rite of Summoning, performed by a necromancer, who the ghoul will now be submitted to, though not always willingly. They may still grow to hate or be disgusted by the necromancer that pulled them back, though they will always follow their orders. 


    Physical description

    Ghouls are undead, as such will always appear undead- decaying and rotting like a long dead corpse. Their bones become hollow and brittle, only needing 1 blunt strike or 4 emotes of slashing to break them. Should their skull get crushed, they will simply crumple into a pile of bones, dying. Their bones still have weak strings of muscles managing to wrap around them, enough to offer enough control over movement, but should the muscle get cut, the limb is left entirely useless, unable to be moved. In certain cases, a Ghoul’s tells become even more clear in the form of red glint on their eye-sockets or a glowing putrid mist from their ribcage, all purely aesthetic.


    Mental description

    While these once descendants may still be able to think, talk, communicate, desire and find some kind of interest in a familiar point from their past, they'll still always remain twisted. Jealous, hateful and spiteful, these creatures lose any morality they once had, any ideas of love, kindness or empathy become wiped from their mind, prone to manic episodes as well. Instead, they may find themselves obsessed with the living, in some cases evolving to the living’s flesh.


    Ghouls must always follow their necromancer's orders, whether they like it or not. Some may hate it, some may appreciate the second chance, but either way, they’ll follow it.


    But should a ghoul’s necromancer die or not be brought back for 1 IRL week, the ghoul will find themselves freed from that subservience, able to freely wander.


    Ghoul’s have trouble with remembering specific parts from their life, normally faces and names. General events and hobbies they may be able to hold onto, but specifics become a vague blur. 



    Overall, Ghoul’s are much weaker than their darkstalker counterpart, simply being undead with no added abilities, though they may become a darkstalker should they go through the required steps, though it's never guaranteed, not all Ghoul will become one. 


    Like most other undead, Ghoul are weak to aurum, any contact with it causing an immense amount of pain, possibly even stopping them from moving. Even just being around aurum will make them uncomfortable.


    Ghouls are also extremely flammable, being unable to attack while on fire due to the pain, first needing 2 emotes of attempting to extinguish the fire on their own, or 1 with the help of another.


    High-density boomsteel is too heavy for any ghoul to carry.


    While Ghoul’s don't need to breathe underwater, they can only last 10 emotes before their bones drift away, killing them.


    Being undead, of course Ghoul’s are unable to learn any feats or magic.  



    Ghouls don't require air, food, water or rest to live, and cannot be affected by any moral poisons or diseases.


    Ghoul’s may wear normal plate armour and use normal, though will be affected by and must use it just like any normal human. 


    Ghoul’s have limitless stamina. 


    Should a ghoul die, they must be brought back by the necromancer that raised them. When they die, the necromancer is able to hear the pained wail in their mind, alerting them of their ghoul’s death. With a 30 minute cooldown after death they may be brought back, but by an archlich it may be instant, though both must be used out of combat. 


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    A once stunning woman now stands once more as a twisted rotting corpse, hollowed bones clanking with each step she took. Mere strings of muscle manage to wrap around her skeletal form, gaze glinting with a faint hue of red. An aroma of death follows closely behind her, filling the air with the scent of decay.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. TW for hinted suicide / suicide





    The Death of Anika Denodado


    3rd of the Sun's Smile, year 168 of the Second Age.

    The wind whispered through the trees of Hyspia, as the sun descended beneath the ocean's horizon once more. A serene night unfolded, punctuated only by the rhythmic wash of waves on the shore. A pallid woman delicately removed the starry cloak draping her shoulders, folding it into a neat pile. With gentle hands, she took the dried cornflower from her hair, placing it on the cloak.


      Laughter echoed from the Minitz tavern on that fateful night in Almaris. A beautiful young woman with skin as fair as snow and another with one grey and one green eye greeted a black-haired woman adorned with twigs and sticks in her hair. 


     With a soft click, the door closed behind the pale woman as she embarked on her final journey through Hyspia, accompanied only by the crickets and bugs that claimed the night. 


    By the river's edge, a young, beautiful woman stood, her chin in the grip of a fanged female mali'ker. The 'ker's hand shifted upward, a crimson cut already present. A single drop of red dripped down the young woman's throat. 


     Shadows shifted as the pale woman passed through the first of many gates in Hyspia, her gaze drifting over the nearby training grounds as her feet paused. 


     A sharp breath pierced the air as the forever-young woman's gaze fixed on the cut in the hand of the black-haired woman with twigs and sticks in her hair, blood seeping from it. Fangs forcibly emerged from the woman's jaw, surging forward. 


     Nevertheless, she tore her gaze from the training grounds, determined to reach the second gate. 


    Within the hushed space of the library in Haense, the forever-young woman and a cloaked man stood, his hand extended towards hers. She accepted, though a sickly green fire seeped into her wrist, branding her with a perfect star-shaped scar.


    A sigh escaped her as moonlight filtered through the leaves of a nearby tree. The quiet pop and crackle of a fire filled the air as the pale woman's gaze turned towards the main gate. 


     A crowned man and the forever-young woman sat on a picnic blanket, casual conversation filling the air as the sun disappeared over the mountain line in the background. 


    A subtle hesitation coursed through the pale woman's frame as her attention shifted toward the tavern. Gradually, her steps carried her forward, choosing a meandering route rather than the straightforward path.


      A brown-haired man and the forever-young woman sat at a table in a quaint house, the fire popping in the background. The man's arm was idly extended behind his chair, an aurum mace in his grasp, gaze locked on the forever-young woman. Despite that, a coy smile remained on her face.


      Aviary birds chirped as the pale woman rounded the corner, disturbed by her presence at this late hour. Still, she reached into her pocket, producing a few spare seeds to toss. 


     Crow's calls filled the silence, gloom settling as a faint fog enveloped the air. Graves and tombstones dotted the ground, yet the forever-young woman's gaze fixed on one, beside a black-haired woman with twigs and sticks in her hair and a boy with bright red hair. The grave bore a single name etched into the stone by hand: 'Anika.' 


     With a whoosh, the birds swooped down for the seeds, cawing filling the air as arguments erupted among the murder. Eventually, the pale woman's gaze peeled away, continuing her trek forward. 


     Iron chains clanked against the bars as the forever-young woman lunged forward, sharpened fangs extruding from her top jaw. Crimson ran from her arms, deep cuts making themselves known. Still, she struggled. 


     Finally, the sandstone gates stood tall before the pale woman, though she pressed on, feet dragging over the aurum lines.


     Hidden away, a brown-eyed man and the pale woman rested together in a tender embrace, empty glass bottles scattered around as the moon's light streamed from above.




    Nothing, no distractions, no people could stop her now. Just her and the climb to the top.


    She reached the edge—the world seemed so small and minuscule from up here. 


    Time stretched, elongating each heartbeat as she stood on the precipice of eternity. The moon above alone bore witness to her silent contemplation, casting a silver glow on the landscape below. The crickets' nocturnal chorus was the symphony accompanying her final act. 


    Her weight tipped forwards—the air suddenly rushing through her hair, gushing in her ears. Everything seemed to spin, memories flashing before her eyes. Echoes of laughter from Minitz, the cold chains binding her wrists, and the sombre embrace in the hidden refuge with the brown-eyed man.  


     When suddenly, it all stopped. 



    When suddenly, she was free.





    Letters were soon sent out, delivered in a pristine yellow envelope, each bearing a white wax seal of a single flower.


    Konstantin Denodado




    I understand if you can't forgive me for breaking my promise. It's a deserved consequence. Yet, through it all, you were my beacon, my love, my hope. You lifted me from depths I never thought I'd escape. I can only hope I returned the favour in some small measure.


    Please, don't let my absence dim your light. Keep living.






    A'lia Vershar Kervallen



    With this letter, a single feather was sent with..

    Hey A’lia,


    I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer. I know you wanted me to never leave, but it became too much.


    You, A’lia, were more than a friend – you were my closest companion. Some of my fondest memories were with you, and you helped me through thick and thin. Please understand, this isn't your fault.


    Instead of carrying the weight of my departure or trying to figure out why, remember the good you brought into my life.






    Onon Vershar Kervallen


    Hey Onon,


    I don't know how to put this, but I needed to say something before I go.


    You've been my anchor in this madness, the one voice that made sense when everything else was a blur. I can't say I always followed your advice, but you need to know that your kindness always made a difference in my life.


    Thanks for being there, Onon. It meant the world.



    Take care,



    P.S. take care of A’lia and Dave for me. 



    The Denodados




    I just wanted to express my gratitude to each and every one of you. Through thick and thin, you've been there, offering unwavering support. You were my rock, my family, and I am forever grateful for your presence in my life.






    P.S. do with my stuff as you wish.


    Sera Denodado




    Even though I'm not by your side anymore, know that you're cherished, always. Embrace each moment and never doubt the support surrounding you. You'll forever be my ray of sunshine.






    Opal and Jasper


    Opal and Jasper,


    Wherever you both may be now, I hope life treats you kindly. It pains me that we never had the chance to meet properly each other. If you ever wish to learn more about me, consider reaching out to Onon Vershar Kervallen and A’lia Vershar Kervallen. They can offer you insights into who I was.



    You’ll never be alone in this world, don’t forget it.










    This letter was sent ripped, the only ink present on it taking the form of a star, though the rip split it in two uneven halves .





    This letter was never sent. Instead, it was dropped in the graveyard of Dunrath, left for nature to reclaim.


    I’m sorry.



    The Sutharlainns


    Dear Sutharlainns, 


    Time's swallowed up the history I had with Fergus, Ulrica, and Saorise gone. But my deeds linger, haunting the memories of your family.


    Describing the tangled mess of actions and reactions between us would fill pages, but still,


    I'm sorry.








    News spreads, if you feel its reasonable for your character to know / find out, feel free to rp it.

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Lord Yrmshik Fiyem


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Azalea Whitewood


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Sorvians are humanoid figures made from clay, wood, soul essence, and a porcelain mask animated by their Creator (Someone who's been taught and gone through the necessary steps to create a Sorvian). They are bound by their creators words and commands, though may still have free will outside of them. When left alone without a command, it may freely wander on its own, driven by its own desire to be a descendant and learn, despite never being able to fully reach that goal.  



    Sorivans tend to cover up as much of their smooth and hairless bodies as possible in an attempt to appear more human, despite their appearance always being rather uncanny, sitting well within the uncanny valley. Their masks are smooth, always identifiable with 3 holes, 2 for the eyes and 1 for the mouth. As they get more and more engulfed in their beliefs their appearance may alter slightly. Engravings may slowly appear along their mask, a family crest, ect, though these additions may never be used to gain an advantage in combat. Sorivans may be made with extra limbs, though the strength gets shared between all limbs, meaning a sorvian with 4 arms would only have 1/4 of its normal strength in each arm. Normal sorvians stand between 3-6 feet, though newts may be smaller, standing between 2-3 feet.



    Being made of clay, sorvians are a lot more prone to injury than most others, being made of purely flesh and bone, though they also don't feel pain the same way any descendant would. Instead of a sharp immediate pain from an injury, they feel more of a slow ache or throb that takes years to fully disappear, if ever. Sorvians are also unable to heal any injury on their own, no matter how big or small, though they are able to seek out their creator or another sorvian sculpture to heal/replace any injuries, though they will never truly heal, instead leaving scars. It is significantly easier to cut off a limb from a sorvian than any descendant, only requiring one good chop or tug, though they are naturally ambidextrous, if an arm does get cut off.



    Sorvians don't normally die like a descendant would, instead they only get destroyed instead, often still able to be brought back a sorvian sculpture. To destroy a sorvian, one would have to either decapitate a sorivans head from its body, causing its soul essence to leak out from its body in just one emote, returning it to a husk, or one could slash a hole in a sorvians chest cavity, causing the soul essence to leak out from its body over the course of 5 emotes, returning back to a husk as well. When a sorivan is returned back to a husk, its mask will fall off from its body, though it may be reattached by any sorvian sculpture to any husk. If it's reattached to a different husk, it will completely change to fit the original in every detail. But, if you crack or break a sorivans make, you are in a way destroying their sense of self, killing them like a moral, unable to be brought back other than by the original creator remaking the mask once more, but it takes 3 emotes of good hits to break a sorvians mask, having hardened in the Awakening.


     Mental State

    Despite being capable of having their own opinions, sorvians are made to serve and will forever work to complete their creators tasks, though they may disagree with it, but will still do it nonetheless. Sorvians start as a blank slate, moldable into whatever beliefs they are exposed to the most, normally similar to their creator. When they are completely involved within their belief, they will completely devote themselves to it, and being timeless beings unable to age, often they will stick with their beliefs through thick and thin. Even if they fully believe in their ideology, they may never fully understand it like a descendant may, destined to spend their timeless lives chasing a goal of understanding they may never reach.  


    Spiritual breaking

    Sorivans can do something called spiritually breaking. Spiritually breaking, for a sorvian, can happen when they are separated from their beliefs for too long, or another thing that breaks them apart from it, like a command from their creator. Spiritually breaking acts somewhat like a restart, keeping the memories of before, but viewing them more as a separate person or time, no longer agreeing with its old ideology to an obsessive extent.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Daffodil stands at a mighty 3’5, its humanoid body draped in layers of cloaks and fabrics of dark reds and beiges, similar colours to its Creator, not letting a single slip of flesh show. Its porcelain mask rests with a forever blank expression on its face, no matter how its feeling.


    This creature has an extra two arms jolting out from its sides, often resting below its outer layer of clothing so they can easily be moved when needed.


    At this time, its yet to gain any chips or personalized details, a blank slate ready to be shaped. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  8. ------⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ Future's Gaze Opening ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆------

    Are you stuck questioning your unknown fate? Do you have questions you need answered?


    Well, look no further than Future’s Gaze! Located in Celia’lin, Shop 3, it's a quaint little shop run by The Teller, who possesses a rare ability to read the stars and delve into your fates!



    ⋆。°✩ Prices! ✩°。⋆


    Basic reading, for simple questions (Love, finance, ect.) - 10 Mina

    Love reading, between two lovers - 15 Mina

    Future reading, delve into your past and future - 20 Mina


    Any added items will only be 5 mina more!




    ⋆。°✩ Items! ✩°。⋆


    Items can be many different things depending on the situation. Here are a few examples:



    ------⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆------






    If you wish to arrange a meeting, send a letter to The Teller himself! (RatFromTheTrash)

  9. 5 hours ago, Harfleur said:

    Dear Ed,

    Perhaps there were some things I should have done differently, and there are things I definitely regret over time.


    You deserve something, for becoming eighteen I'm granting you my title of 'Knife of Rozania' effective immediantly, even though you would already be getting this in the event of my passing, I have no use for it, but potentially it may have some use for you, in some way or another.


    Also in other news, I'm securing a land deal in Southern Lotusgrad, which will be good for all of us. 



    Edvard Jr. Kervallen Pinemaw, the 'Knife of Rozania' received the letter just as he woke up on his 18th. "Huh.. Knife of Rozania... I think I remember him saying something about that.." He muttered, a hand moving up to push the hair back from his face. Honestly, he wasn't sure how to react or reply, so instead he decided not to.. His dad probably knows hes grateful... right?

  10. Edvard Jr Kervallen Pinemaw, the newly announced heir to House Pinemaw was handed this document by his father at... a bit of a bad time, though eventually when it all calmed down, he found a moment to look it over.


    "..Why me of all people..?" The teen questioned to himself, daze drifting up and down the document once more, just to check he could in fact read. "Does this mean I have to start paying attention to dad's work?"

  11. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Earth Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             A'lia Vershar Kervallen


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  12. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Naesys Scrivener


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Housemagery & Culimancy


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Glorier Ma


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  13. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Uhier Va'eylul


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Dark Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Saera Zalnarith


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  14. [!]

    Posters have been hung up around Lurin...




    Description of the cat:

    Sir Purrito II 

    'Here lies a captivating little ginger cat, its tranquil gaze capturing the attention of all who stroll by. Encircling the kitty's neck is a delicate light blue collar, adorned with a name tag in the shape of a paw. Suspended from the collar, the tag proudly bears the name ‘Sir Purrito II.’ This feline possesses warmth and affection, embracing every pat with a purr, and may even return the gesture with a gentle paw of its own.'


  15. ─•~❉ Kitty & Co. Grand Opening! ❉~•─




    Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands of day-to-day life? Do you have a taste for noming in delectable snacks and treats? Is your heart captivated by the enchanting allure of feline companionship?

    Look no further than Kitty & Co! Immerse yourself in a haven where scrumptious delights abound, accompanied by a delightful assembly of adorable kitties to keep you company during your culinary escapades.

    Kitty & Co. is carefully designed to provide solace and relaxation to all who seek a moment of peace. And what better way to unwind than in the company of our charming feline friends? Each cat holds a distinctive set of quirks, traits, and irresistible charm, guaranteeing a truly enchanting experience.



    .•° ✿ Our Cats! ✿ °•.


    Sir Purrito II 

    'Here lies a captivating little ginger cat, its tranquil gaze capturing the attention of all who stroll by. Encircling the kitty's neck is a delicate light blue collar, adorned with a name tag in the shape of a paw. Suspended from the collar, the tag proudly bears the name ‘Sir Purrito II.’ This feline possesses warmth and affection, embracing every pat with a purr, and may even return the gesture with a gentle paw of its own.'

    [!] Sir Purrito II's info all seems to have been removed...



    'Upon a shelf perches a grey cat, her eyes filled with a judging gaze that scrutinizes all who pass by. Adorning her neck is a magenta collar, complete with a charming fish-shaped name tag. Engraved upon the nametag is the name 'Latte.' This enchanting feline graciously tolerates gentle strokes and is always ready to engage in a staring contest with anyone who looks at her for too long.'



    ~Staring Competition Wins~

    Latte - 2

    Challenger - 2




    'Perched on a high shelf, an aloof calico kitty rests, its captivating yet cautious canary yellow gaze warily watching as people walk in and out from the shop. Around this kitty’s neck is a dainty pink collar, along with a little cat head-shaped name tag with the name ‘Purrsephone.’ This kitty is the most distant out of the group, not the most fond of cuddles, but will be willing to let a few loving touches caress her fur, given there’s a few treats to entice her. If the kitty does get closer to someone, she may show her affection with a rub or a bump against the fortunate recipient.'




    'Resting comfortably on its back, a large calico cat catches your attention. This feline can often be found in deep slumber or lounging around leisurely. Around its neck is an orange collar adorned with a cute nametag shaped like a treat, engraved with the name 'Dave.' Despite being somewhat aloof towards affection, this kitty may occasionally respond with a gentle meow. However, when it comes to mealtime and treats, this feline will undoubtedly become your best friend.'




    .•° ✿ Our Menu! ✿ °•.


    Wheat Be Cute Together ʕʔ

    This is the perfect choice for anyone looking to indulge in a scrumptious treat. Whether you're sharing it with your oblivious crush or a special someone, this bread is sure to impress with its perfect combination of crunchy crust and soft, airy center that creates a delightful texture in every bite. 


    Chocolate? Here you bar •ᴗ•

    Savor the delectable flavors of this chocolate bar as it melts in your mouth, revealing a perfect balance of sweetness and bitterness, accompanied by subtle hints of vanilla and nuttiness. Unwrapping the cloth packaging to reveal the smooth and creamy texture, each bite will tantalize your taste buds, making this the ultimate snack, whether you're a chocolate lover or just looking for a special treat!


    Fudge you! ˃ ⤙ ˂

    The perfect chocolate fudge cake for when you're a little mad at someone and need a delicious way to tell them! Moist and decadent, this cake is baked to perfection, every bite of this rich chocolate cake is a heavenly delight, as the fudgy texture melts in your mouth, releasing the intense chocolate flavor, even when you're feeling a little bit angry.


    Love at first bite ♡

    This is a cookie that will capture your heart from the very first bite! Shaped like a heart, this cookie is not only adorable but also perfect for sharing with your loved ones or enjoying on your own. Its crispy exterior and soft, chewy center make for a delightful texture, while the premium ingredients used to make it result in an irresistible flavor. Whether you're looking for a special treat for yourself or a gift for someone you care about, this cookie is the perfect choice.




    Feel free to drop on by and pay the kitties a visit!


    Located in Lurin, just to your right as you walk though the gates. Message RatFromTheTrash in game, or ratfromthetrash on discord if you have any inquiries.



  16. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Lili Kutrzeba Sutharlainn


    Character's Age:

             35 (At death)


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Specters have accepted, and come to terms with their deaths, causing them to be white ghost. Despite finding a sort of inner peace with their deaths, it still leaves a mental toll on them, often manifesting as depression, and generalized sadness. They tend to avoid fighting at all costs, unless really necessary to help another phantom or mortal in need. These spirits are gentle, and kind. Most they do, they do with others in mind, acting for others more than themselves, and if anything may take to pulling harmless pranks, and mischief. Specters tend to be a close shady of their former selves, maybe a little off, and distant if anything, other the older they get, the more they forget and become detached over time. These spirits are often a tint of yellow, blue, or just plain white, and show no mark from their deaths.


    Poltergeists are the most aggressive out of all the phantoms, having rejected and denied their end, while the trauma twists their mental state, leaving them feral, and almost animal like. Normally in colours of black, or red, whatever causes their demise leaves a mark, a gruesome clue to their death. They tend to take on some animal-like traits, like claws, and tend to have a horrid voice, like screeching, or a growl. They are far shadows of their past selves, taking on a much cruel personality, and are much more quick violence, almost like a predator to prey. The trauma from their dead controls them, they've learnt what they are, but can't learn to accept it.

    Revenants are what all phantoms first wake up as, though confused and shrouded in mystery, the true fate of what's to become of them still unknown. They stay stuck in a confused and dazed state, almost like a fever dream till they eventually learn, and move on. Like any other phantom, they suffer from the mental side effects, and tend to have frequent mood changes, like fits of rage, or sadness. Eventually, after cursing someone with Geistreach, either meeting the requirements without OOC consent (performed five times) or with OOC consent (performed three times on the same person within the span of 12 OCC hours) the fall into a state of reflection and clarity where they will either accept, or deny their dead, leading to becoming either a Poltergeist or Specters.


    All phantoms are weak to sunlight, gold and most types of magic, anything voidal acts with them as if they were physical, feeling like hot iron. Revenants can't pass over gold at all, acting as a barrier, though older spirits like Poltergeist and Specters can, though with a lot of pain, and a yell in #shout. Phantoms can't be in the sun for more than 10 minutes, and while they are in the sun, it causes them a sunburnt like feeling along their body, causing them extreme degree of pain, though Specters aren't affected by this, and it instead causes them discomfort. 


    All phantoms are made up of Ectoplasm, coming in a mix of different forms and appearances. All ghosts can interact with each other as they're all made up of it. They can use this ectoplasm, with a sheer force of will, to use certain different abilities, like changing into an animal, telekinesis, or even turning invisible. Any regular objects will pass right though them, as if there was nothing even there.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Lili Kutrzeba Sutharlainn managed to return after dying in the Mori attacks, failing to protect her home. 


    She has a liquid-like appearance, draped in spiderwebs that cover her clothes and body. She hovers slightly off the ground, silently observing those who pass by. Her face bears a subtle sadness, with a droopy expression that tug at her corner of her lips. She still wears her families traditional wear, albeit dulled, and a little rugged. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  17. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Uhier Va'eylul


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



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