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Everything posted by Inertia

  1. Inertia


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” A light chuckled slipped over atop of Inertia's lips before allowing her grip —one that resided in a cautious, tensed position along the handle of her blade— to relax. This town had put her on edge enough with the lack thereof friendly faces and social interaction descending to a near minimal, but for once something seemed to go according to plan. Her being here, the hag's welcoming gaze and inviting motions- it opposed the downfall of the meeting that she had been dreading. While their short greetings slipped by and she took her seat, Inertia's eyes returned back towards the woman and allowed herself to hold onto it as her lips parted once more to answer such a complex, yet simple question. "Well, if I had to start anywhere it would be Sedan, would it not?" She began, the corner of her mouth slipping into a gentle, melancholic smile. "I was born to my parents there in a relatively 'well off' family as most would consider, but we were nothing above having just enough to get by. My mother and father- they're nothing short of wonderful people in my eyes and I aspire to have that spark." She spoke, her hands gesturing out afront of her as she seemed to warm up quite smoothly just by even referring to her childhood. "Cephur, my father, he'd was raised to be a Carpenter as my mother Amara found her own interest to follow along as a Seamstress- though I fell eventually onto a different path." Inertia laid her hand back onto the holster resting firmly upon her hip, tapping the sides of her fingers gently alongside the handstitched material keeping her weaponry tucked away inside. "Adventure, albeit cliché; I've always felt drawn to it. Sedan is a wonderful place and I adore my folk, but once you lay your feet upon that road to places beyond- there's nothing like it. That feeling led me across a few of the lands, but I don't tend to stay in one place for far too long once my interest fades and my attention is needed elsewhere. Somewhere between my adolescence and now, I picked up a blade and haven't let it go since." She finished, her eyes drifting downwards as the hag's acknowledgement filled the clouded air between them while the longsword left it's scabbard and was placed along her lap as a point of reference. Only now when it had finally left it's holder was the quality visible, as well as the damages it had sustained throughout her travels with it by her side. Much like the scars she wore along her skin, the blade was adorned with light scratches, pieces that had been sharpened out and shoved back long ago. Repair after repair, this gift remained in her possession, a 'trinket' of sorts from home, but perhaps a promise left unsaid. "Living outside of it all, I consider myself an Outlander of sorts to the world- that's where I learned of who I am. I've spent the last few years traversing nature, working in and out as what you could consider a guard for some, mercenary for others, but mostly just an escort for those needing protection during their travels. I may not be the most agreeable person on some standards but.." For a moment, her brow began to furrow, perhaps in annoyance or recognition due to the fact that she had been speaking for quite a while now— no, it couldn't be that, could it? Her mouth opened, eyes raising back to the hag's own— then closed once more. Whatever she was thinking of, it almost appeared like she was about to reconsider it all. Though judging by the soft, long exhale as her shoulders relaxed back downwards, she had seemingly calmed down once more. Her gaze set forward, a flare of that 'spark' she had longed for as a child reflecting back through the amber as her mind forward, confirming her thoughts to be true and allowing them to be shared with this woman. "I'm here, looking— searching for something. I can't quite explain it, but that's where this all has led. It could be to merely continue what I've been doing, to keep acting on my own accord and pushing forward this person I've been raised as.. But there's something else. Maybe it's some companionship I've been apart from, or that- that blasted partner of mine from the Norlands that's escaped my company for quite some time now." A light warm chuckle escaped through her lips at the thought of him, but her composure still remained as it were before with her returning, set to the woman. "I believe you know where I should start." (Note: I wasn't sure how much I should write here, so do let me know if I need to expand on the story here or if it could be easily done so later in a less narrative format! My apologizes if writing here wasn't proper, but I wished to include this notice for proper communication.)
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