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Posts posted by JesterMilk

  1. A Warlock Executed in Numendil


    Date: 3rd of the First Seed, 1980

    Stefan Starling of Brabant first alerted me to the warlock's presence, citing his involvement in the kidnapping of the Duke of Brabant's Granddaughter. With a bounty on his head, both the Holy Order of Saint Jude and the Brabant government joined forces to capture him. Spotted in Numendil alongside his cousin, Lilith, who had been expelled from Hohkmat for similar crimes, including dark magic, kidnapping, and admitting to the murder of Holy Clergy members, the urgency to apprehend them grew. Stefan managed to have the guards arrest the warlock, but Lilith slipped away. Upon my arrival in Numendil, I witnessed a tense scene where the warlock faced imminent execution. However, just as the axe was poised to fall, he invoked void stalker magic in a bid to escape. It was then that Ser Glwyndr, a half-Uruk, the Princess, and I moved to intercept and contain him. After a short tussle the warlock fell to having his neck slit, his head cleaved by my axe, and a spear puncturing his brain. After searching the body of the now deceased warlock a red banner was found, signifying his allegiance to the infamous organisation known as the “Red Banner.”


    If you have any information on Lillith, the Red Banner, or things related to it, send a letter to Holy Ser MacSkaul of Saint Jude, Holy Ser Barend of Saint Jude, or Stefan Starling of the Brabant government.


    Your Brother in Arms,

     Holy Ser Lug MacSkaul, Grandmaster of the Holy Order of Saint Jude



  2. A Lich in Petra


    Date: The 5th of the Amber Cold, 1974


    Four Saints Days ago, amidst the hallowed halls of diplomacy, I found myself in deep discourse with Cardinal Rhosyn. Our conversation delved into the intricacies of an agreement between Petra and the revered Order of Saint Jude for the purpose of testing. As our meeting drew to a close, Holy Ser Godefroy awaited me outside the Petran Monastery, a steadfast companion in our journey. Together, we traversed the cobblestone streets of the city.


    Our destination was none other than the esteemed Knight Captain Theoderic von Theonus, a stalwart defender of the realm. Rumors had reached our ears regarding the affable bartender of a quaint tavern nestled within Petra's heart. Whispers spoke of his cure at the hands of one of the Pontiff’s trusted alchemists, dispelling the vampiric affliction that once plagued him. With prudence as our compass, we deemed it wise to commence our testing regimen within the city, beginning with one whose status was assuredly negative.


    Under the watchful gaze of Theoderic von Theonus, we subjected the blonde elf to the basic darkspawn tests. The Aurum test yielded promising results, yet it was the salt test that unraveled the truth. His blood would sizzle upon salt being introduced to his open wound. In a flurry, he sought refuge within his cellar, but as he would exit it, he was swiftly apprehended and escorted to the sanctuary of the Monastery.


    Ser Atticus, the grand speaker of Petra, and I deliberated upon the enigma before us. It was determined that the alchemist responsible for the elf's cure possessed adequate knowledge of the alchemical arts. With the weight of authority bestowed upon me, I solemnly accepted the duty of executing the elven vampire.


    A tempest of battle ensued, where crimson magic crackled in the air, emanating from a sinister cane clenched within the vampire’s grasp. 


    Today, as the sun rises anew, heralding the dawn of a fresh chapter, two valiant souls have pledged their allegiance to the Order of Saint Jude. Their inaugural task led them to Petra, where they discovered the elff—resilient, unyielding, and steadfast in his stewardship of the tavern.


    Your Brother in Arms,

     Holy Ser Lug MacSkaul, Grandmaster of the Holy Order of Saint Jude




  3. The Grandmaster of Saint Jude has fallen in battle!3qo1HquPqj0BzuOFoJl6apOyjy8a0zEFSRu1ZHeT3O66Q8DsHyecWkyvK6CgvjGH1fxTjf6NWvAWK4bzlHdA5c3XeJwK6ptRVRwlGoVI_ztUW912Pan82NP3_69wMfBd_lVhY2HCoT-bDlhr1VE3gQ

    Date: 10th of the First Seed, 1974


    In the heroic defense of Petra, Lug MacSkaul exhibited unparalleled valor, risking his life to safeguard the city against the encroaching threat of darkspawn. However, amidst the chaos of battle, tragedy struck as he was gravely wounded, taking a shot to the back of his head, leaving him with a traumatic brain injury.


    Now, as MacSkaul fights for his life, his dedication to protecting Aevos and its people remains unwavering. Yet, the road to recovery is arduous, demanding both medical care and financial support. Each donation, regardless of size, becomes a beacon of hope, illuminating the path towards his rehabilitation and eventual return to safeguarding the sanctity of Canondom.


    Your generosity holds the power to accelerate MacSkaul's healing journey, ensuring that he can once again stand as a stalwart defender against the forces of darkness. With your contributions, we can rally around him, offering the support needed to bolster his spirit and strengthen his resolve. Together, let us stand united in our mission to aid MacSkaul in his quest to protect the innocent, preserving the safety and well-being of all within the realm.


    A picture of the MacSkaul family dog would be attached.



  4. A Scuffle at the Monastery


    Date: 16th of the First Seed, 1972


    As I patrolled the halls of the Cathedral of the Exalted, Cardinal Rhosyn approached me, clearly out of breath. She urgently informed me that a man named Haus of Hohkmat, wanted dead under holy law, was spotted in Petra. Surprisingly, it was the same man I had spoken to earlier that day but hadn't taken action against due to my attendance at the funeral of Grandmaster Holy Ser Gerard.


    Cardinal Rhosyn instructed me to wait precisely 5 Saint’s minutes before alerting others by ringing the bell, as she needed time to distract him. After waiting, Sergeant Godefroy d’Amaury and Holy Dame Bronwyn responded promptly. We quickly gathered Canonius, Father Davide, and Ser Eldacar Marsyr and set out for Petra.


    Upon arrival, the Cardinal kept Haus occupied at the Petran monastery, while preparations were made. Dame Bronwyn went to fetch an anti-magic potion, Sergeant Godefroy took a strategic position with his bow, and the rest of us positioned ourselves to guard the Cardinal.


    Once everyone was ready, I discreetly moved individuals away from Haus, one by one. Dame Bronwyn and I planned to throw our potions at him, hers a Will o’ and mine a Banshee. Unfortunately, my potion malfunctioned, exploding prematurely and causing temporary blindness and deafness for me, the Cardinal, and Dame Bronwyn.


    A chaotic battle ensued as Haus revealed a spell enabling him to evade capture by phasing in and out of existence. Despite our efforts, we couldn't subdue him. Eventually, Holy Dame Bronwyn safely escorted the Cardinal and Father Davide away. Haus then proposed a truce, suggesting a face-to-face discussion between members of the Holy Order and him with the Hohkmati guard. Canonius and Ser Eldacar Marsyr would go with Haus to ensure he would start organizing the truce meeting while Sergeant Godefroy and I returned to Owynsburg, acknowledging the futility of further confrontation.


    Your Brother in Arms,

     Holy Ser Lug MacSkaul, Grandmaster of the Holy Order of Saint Jude



  5. Rise Anew


    Date: 16th of the First Seed, 1972


    In reverent silence, we assembled within the confines of the Cathedral of the Exalted to bid our final farewells to Grandmaster Gerard Whitewood-Ouvrier. Amidst the somber gathering, faces both familiar and beloved joined in mourning, bearing witness to the profound impact of a life dedicated to service and righteousness.


    As the pyre crackled with flames, consuming the earthly vessel of our departed Grandmaster, our hearts swelled with a mixture of grief and gratitude. Yet amidst the sorrow, a ray of divine light illuminated our midst, The Holy Grail, brought forth to bless the departed soul of our beloved Grandmaster. In its radiance, we found solace and strength, knowing that Gerard's spirit would find its rightful place among the skies.


    In the wake of this solemn occasion, the members of The Holy Order of Saint Jude retreated to the sanctity of Owynsburg, tasked with a weighty responsibility—the selection of Gerard's successor. Amidst fervent deliberations and heartfelt discourse, the wisdom of our order prevailed, culminating in the divided choice of Holy Ser Lug MacSkaul to assume the mantle of Grandmaster.


    They have entrusted Holy Ser MacSkaul with the sacred duty of continuing Gerard's legacy—a legacy defined by piety, righteousness, and unwavering devotion to GOD. As we embark on this new chapter, let us draw strength from the memory of our fallen Grandmaster, his spirit serving as a guiding beacon for generations to come.


    May the soul of Grandmaster Gerard find eternal solace in the embrace of GOD's eternal kingdom, his memory forever enshrined within the annals of our Holy Order.


    Your Brother in Arms,

     Holy Ser Lug MacSkaul, Grandmaster of the Holy Order of Saint Jude





  6. Holy Ser Lug MacSkaul would get the letter informing him of Gerard's death on his way to a ceremony. He would read the letter as he walked and as he did tears would fall from his eyes on to the paper. He would silently fold the letter and before he entered the hall would quietly utter the last words from the letter he received "God save us." 

  7. Brother Lug MacSkaul would slam his fist on the arm of his chair as he read the missive "Lurinite lies" He scoffed "May these acid tongued liars burn eternally, voidal city of heretics" He'd say before casting the paper into a fire

  8. Rain




    “It’s raining” Skaul thought to himself as his body was slammed into the ground “She died when it was raining.. 16 years ago now?” he asked himself as his ribs were crushed, bones broken. He's felt it all before, what's a few more scars to a man missing limbs? Something felt different about this though, maybe it was his old age, maybe it was just his time. “Will she be there to greet me? He thought. 


    He thought of when he first met her, how she read him poetry, and how he got lost in her eyes. When she died he re-read her journal over and over again, it was too stained and smudged to read anymore. He didn’t sleep for weeks, he rarely ate, he never got over it, but how could he?


    He wondered if he’d be able to watch over his friends and family or would it be a field. What will the weather be like? 


    His life was flashing before his eyes, his first battle besides Demitrey Novikov, Lord Marshall Sebastian Bishop promoting him to Sergeant, that Marshall's death, he thought of the Mori battles and the explosion at Karosgrad, how his limbs were torn off in the blast and how the fire burned. He remembered seeing his son for the first time, 16 years ago. He thought of how much he’s mourned, how much he’s lost, “Will they be there?” he asked himself. He hoped his friends, family, brothers and sisters in arms would celebrate, drink to his life and not cry for his death. How ironic he said he’d buy Demitrey drinks after the battle.


    As he lay on the snowy ground, he felt no fear. He saw Demitrey, fighting, it seemed like it was so easy for him. “Maybe if I was younger.” he tried to move. Nothing. He tried to stand. Nothing. He tried to breathe. Nothing. All he could do was think. He thought of his son, how the news would affect him. He thought of Roslin Baruch, Ser Arthur Gant, how they helped him after he stumbled into Haense, no memories, how they cared. He thought of Demitrey, his best friend, was there a better way to die then by his side? He tried to call out to him, but nothing came out. He's been through so much worse, why couldn’t he survive this?


    He watched as the Manticore tore into his chest, disemboweling him. Maybe if he was more careful, if his other leg was struck by the tail, with each tear it hurt less and less.


    He realized it was time to stop fighting. It was simply his time, he relaxed, jaw unclenched, the cold snow on his head and back, it was comforting. He closed his eyes and he slept. He awoke to a woman laying next to him, dark skin, dark hair, tall, and as beautiful as the night sky. He tried to speak but nothing came out.“Hello my love.” She spoke warmly, oh how long he waited to hear that voice again. 


    He looked up and finally noticed “It's raining.” as he went to get up she said “Can’t we stay here a little, love? I quite like the rain.” As he grew to despise the rain since the day she died, he forgot how she loved it, and so he sat back down and paused for a moment before saying “Of course.



  9. Preserving YOUR Liberty







    Throughout my years in Haense, I, Skaul MacSkaul, have humbly served the people of Haense through the Brotherhood of St. Karl, enlisting the moment I stepped foot into the nation. I have risen through the ranks as an aged Sergeant, and a squire of the realm.


    When someone needs help, I answer the call.


    With age, I wish to represent the people in another form, through the Peoples’ Duma. I am not just a military man, but a giving one too. Where can you find evidence of this, you might ask? Look no further than to Operation Borsch, a task set out to provide beets to all of the people of Failor, led by Armsman Demitrey Novikov and myself. 


    I will represent ALL equally!








    Written into law by Arthur Stafyr, I pledge to uphold the principles of Jorenic Rights, which are:


    “To each freeman is his own life, to take it is to be a thief,

    To each freeman his own time, to take it is to be a slaver,

    To each freeman his own sword, to take it is to blind him,

    To each freeman his own wife, to take it is to injure him,

    And to each freeman his own farm, to take is to make him no man.”


    I take each one of these rights to heart and in my term as Alderman, no one shall even think of revoking them.



    Carrion black is a symbol of Haeseni culture, and as such should be given out nearly for no more than five minas, the only profits being used to produce more of it!



    A weak population means a weak kingdom. Without our citizens being able to defend themselves and as such our kingdom, what more is our kingdom than free real estate? If I am your alderman, then I promise to ensure every citizen the right to bear arms during my term.



    I plan on pushing to lower the age of enlistment and increasing how much pressure we put on citizens to join the military. As the Brotherhood is our pride and joy and should be held close to all Haeseni hearts, we should do as much as we can to expand it. 



    I promise to keep Duma and its members honest and loyal to the people of Haense


    I promise to work with the people of Haense by holding meetings, public or private, so they can voice complaints, concerns, or suggestions


    And last but not least, I promise to remain truthful to the people I have worked most of my life to defend.





    Vote for your rights…





    DATE: Autumn 480 E.S.


    REPORTING OFFICER: Sergeant Skaul MacSkaul


    DISCLOSURE: Redacted Disclosure


    INCIDENT REPORT: Operation commenced approximately at the seventeenth tolling of the bell. BSK SPECIAL OPERATIONS DIVISION consisting of Sergeant Skaul, Armsman Demitrey Novikov, Amiger Haus Weiss-Vullier, and Amiger Onon Vershar traveled south of Featheroint, Failor. Haus ordered Demitrey to [REDACTED] beets all over the south side of the island. Demitrey knew he would need back up and enlisted the aid of Armiger Onon and Sergeant Skaul. The DIVISION subsequently pulled out their [REDACTED]and [REDACTED] beetroot all over the south of the island.


    The operation was a complete and utter success and the DIVISION secured a vast and sustainable food supply (Bigger than super small countries like Adria) for the entirety of the island.



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