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Everything posted by Nonsite

  1. Nonsite


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) "Go morrow, m'lady my name is Kodran Wilmund." he says as he sits down on the cushion graciously, reminiscing upon the long journey that led him here. After a moment of empty gazing at seemingly nothing Kodran resumes speaking "My life was that of a simple one. My father was a baker in a far away village. He was loved throughout the community for his skills of bread making, even going as far as to cook for many lords and ladies of the surrounding area." He pauses again remembering the smells of honey and oats that would escape from his fathers furnace. "For as long as I can remember he wanted me to go into the business with him, always saying things like 'It's the family business son.' or 'How dare you be ungrateful for this life I've made for you!' Eventually I had reached my limit for his jeers and threats, I wanted more from life. So when upon my 18th birthday I used what little money I had to purchase a long bow from a local hunter and a quiver of arrows and set off for adventure without even a goodbye to my father." Kodran shifts uneasily in his seat wondering if his decision was for the best. "The first year was the hardest. It had not crossed my mind that I didn't know how to use a bow until after I was already days into my journey and the provisions I had packed had run out. I had immense trouble catching anything, and when I eventually caught my first rabbit I realized I had no idea how to cook it." Kodran sighs "Eventually, I had wondered the woods for so long without food I had no way of remembering how to get back to the road I had been travelling on. Weakly I sat against a tree wondering if this was my final day. What would my father think? his son dead of starvation in the forest after swearing to find adventure in the world for all those years. As I drifted off into what I was sure was my final sleep someone approached and gave me a light kick on the leg." Kodran takes a large swig from his flask wetting his lips with the taste of the sweet wine within "As I look up I see an elven lady, even from the ground I could see she was far taller and much more beautiful than I, her long blonde hair braided behind her. Saying something in a language I didn't comprehend she picked me up to my feet and helped me back to a cabin. After many weeks of recovery and attempting to learn Elvish I was able to surmise that her name was Aelva and these were her woods. She told me she took pity on me and that when I was ready she would teach me how to use my weapon of choice. The training began almost immediately, waking up at sunrise and working until it felt like I could barely stand. The training went on like this for months, eventually the calluses built up and it felt more natural to draw back a bowstring than baking had ever been. Communication with Aelva became easier as well, she refused to tell me anything of her past and instead said to focus on my future. By the time she told me I was ready to continue on my journey the year had begun anew. I wished her well and thanked her profusely for the help before continuing on." he pauses for a moment remove his bow from his back and placing it on his lap. "After I left the forest I made my way to a near by town to have a drink. As I entered the tavern there was a bandit who was attempting to rob the innkeeper, I don't know what happened but Aelva's training took over and I shot the man before he could react. The innkeeper then offered to pay me for saving him and his tavern. Having found that my training could be used for more than survival I became a bounty hunter. Throughout the years since I've made a name for myself, from clearing bandit camps to killing trolls, if you have money Kodran's the man for the job. My bounty work has lead me here." Kodran then stands and approaches the old lady "You've hired me, now all I need is for you to tell me the job."
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