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About Eco

  • Birthday 06/10/2004

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    Sarbok Tougnut
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  1. Eco


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” "That, I shall do." Sarbok placed his behind on the cushion. As hard as it was, he was used to such an environment, and took comfort on it as his short body rested while facing her. "Sarbok is me name, I come far far from 'ere. I was a great warrior one day, still am, but a hopeless one at that." He lowered his gaze as he went into a deafening moment of silence, as if he was to pay respect to his fallen comrads. "A fantas'ic warrior I was, I'm telling you! Sarbok, champion o' the king, I slayed man and beast alike, known all across Zharkarrag, me home Dwarven kingdom." His gaze was back up, as if he started taking pride in his achievements, though he seemed to be describing a legend, something that is far gone and that no longer exists among us. "I was loyal to me king, loyal till the end I tell you. Up until them orcs & elves, not even me war 'ammer stood a chance against 'em. A feisty army they were, guided by that evil witch Kai'Laria. Dun be mistaken' however, I fought, I fought until I couldn't, they got him, they got to me dear king. they mur-der'd 'im cold bloodedly!" Sarbok started weeping, a fat bearded dwarf with tears running down his beard, a sight you didn't expect to see. He soon realised how pathetic he looked and wiped his eyes. "I lived on in the ruins 'f Zharkarrag, me loyalty couldn't bare stayin' away from it. I could've sworn I even 'eard whispers of the king while in the ruins of the throne room. Then I met this prince, Elli. He possessed this talking wand, Ellon. It was forged from the same magic as me war 'ammer, stood by 'im, we were near unbea-able! We took vengeance and took down Kai'Laria n' 'er army. Elli went on with his journey, as I did with mine. With Kai'Laria taken down, it was time to leave the ruins if Zharkarrag, I picked up me war 'ammer and am still on me journey, passin' through this rusty ol' town 'ere." Sarbok looked somewhat annoyed at the hag, he exclaimed. "Now enough giber-in, will ye get a man a pint of ale already?"
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