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  1. Leox2323


    You have just arrived in a swampy and dark town. When you look around you encounter shacks and shacks. It smelled of rotting wood and wet moss. You drop down and enter a tattered tent, lit by a series of candles hanging in the air. At the back of the tent, an old witch raises her head: “What brings you to this seedy town? she starts, then stops to study your face: "Ah, it's you." I was waiting for you. Sit down,” she gestures toward a cushion, “Tell me your story. ((How do you answer?)) You politely sit down on the cushion and begin to tell your story wistfully: "Hello, To begin I will tell you about the story of my parents. One day a young lady of the nobility named Eleime having problems with his family met a young innkeeper named Calachite when he ran away from the family mansion. As you will have understood, they fell in love, then after a short peaceful hidden life the young lady became pregnant with two boy twins. When she was 9 years old, Eleime's family found her in our home with my brother Algorius, and my grandfather, whose name I don't know, was mad with rage to execute my mother and my brother a little later, held prisoner for treason of the nobility. My father and I, who weren't there at the time, fled the city to start a new life. Unfortunately my father fell ill and died 7 years ago. " You get up and begin to take a more dry and serious tone: "Thus began my solitary adult life. After the death of my father, I left the makeshift house he had built for the purpose of obtaining power so as not to end up like my family. I entered a formation of a city militia to learn how to handle the sword with the money that my father bequeathed to me and at the same time I haggled with the commercial knowledge taken by the education of my mother such as reading, or counting and calculating, and the management that she had from her family.After my training for 5 years in the militia, I met at the tavern a man who used magic, I spoke with him then the idea came to me to learn magic and the mystical arts. So I was going on a 2-year journey to find someone who could teach me without my mother's family finding me, so my journey brought me here... Witch teach me your knowledge".
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