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Everything posted by somanycents

  1. somanycents


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) ''What? How do you know me?'' Nerylle looks up at the old lady and pauses for a few second, thinks very hard about it and gives up. Her weird accent would be unrecognizable, almost like she hasn't heard someone else speak her language and wings every word's pronunciation, only knowing the rough way to say certain words. Adding to the difficulty of understanding her, her voice is constantly muffled by of her big rusty knight helmet. "Well, whatever! The name's Nerylle, THE GREAT NERYLLE LAMORTE! HAHAHAHAH!..... Just kiddin'." She chuckles to herself and continues. "Pft, ignore the helmet, s'a gift from a friend." After more laughter, she finally calms down "I came from a lil' farther down." She points behind her. "T'was a real walk comin' here haha! My feet hurt quite a bit to tell the truth!" The young girl looks down and notices she has no shoes, only a worn out rag trying it's best to no rip apart. "Oh, seems like I forgot sum' stuff back home at the ol' graveyard! Apologies." She says, leaning towards the old woman. "Anyway anyways, back to my story... Hmmm...'' Nerylle touches the cushion. ''This seat is super comfortable, even though it stinks like hell here... eurgh" She slouches down for a few seconds, seeming very relaxed. "Can I have that old apple core by the by? I'm super hungry ,right ? 'Haven't eaten in like......" She begins counting on her fingers, but abandons trying to count higher than 3. After a while she remembers why she's even sitting down in a tent with an old lady. "OH SO SORRY, I FORGOT TO TELL MY STORY!" She bows her head repeatadly, the old rusty oversized helmet making a loud *thunk* each back and forth. "Well, how should I start.... A' lived in a graveyard with a buncha friends, they weren't much talkers but it wah fun!!! They listen to my insan- Ahem- VERY SMART AND PHILOSOPHICAL ramblings about whatevs!" Nerylle looks around her for a few minutes before continuing her story. "Decided to leave 'em to go see the world a lil' bit, y'know, experience things for ma'self instead of readin' books and random notes about some idiot's death wish" Her eyes brighten up. "Speaking of wich! You wouldn't believe what this guy's last wish was!" And her story continued all night, never letting the old lady rest.
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