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Everything posted by NutzlosesDing

  1. NutzlosesDing


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) Example: "My story?" For a moment, he really had to be careful not to laugh "Which story?" In a strange mixture of frustration and amusement, he shakes his head. Skeptically, he lets his gaze glide through the small tent before his green eyes turn to the lady "Im was just a poor boy from an even poorer village" Audibly, he takes a deep breath "And now Im a poor man far away from home" forced he smiles at the lady "Its not that easy for an simple thief to stay in one place. At a certain point, people figure out who makes their things disappear" Smiling, he takes a few steps up and down the tent. He stops in front of a small table and curiously lifts up a small wooden figure placed there "You carve?" ((Hope it's okay here to just say that something is there)) He no longer waits for the answer, but continues with his story, still holding the figure. "I was about five years old when I stole for the first time. It was an apple at a market stall. My father, a simple farmhand, simply did not have enough money to buy food for my mother and his children" he laughs "to buy anything." With that, he throws the small figure back on the table "So I learned to secretly take what I needed or wanted" Unhappily, he smiles at the lady "If I had been able to choose, I would have chosen a different life" He raises his hands regretfully "But I had no choice" Slowly, a faint smile returns to his lips "And now Im here. A wanted thief... Fleeing from the law. Just trying to survive for another day." With a sigh, his gaze wanders to the roof of the tent "Dont worry, I tried to get normal jobs and often was successfully." He is silent for a moment and closes his eyes "But life showed me that no one can escape their past. Not when you stop running." He takes a deep breath "So I keep runnig."
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