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Everything posted by ItsThePulse

  1. ItsThePulse


    In the depths of a long-forgotten realm, my name is Jake, and my life has been forever marked by an encounter with darkness. I was born into a world of balance and harmony, possessing a unique lineage that intertwined both light and shadow within my very being. From an early age, I displayed extraordinary talents, drawing upon the duality of my heritage. My connection to the light allowed me to radiate kindness, empathy, and an unwavering sense of justice. But within me, a dormant darkness slumbered, an ancient force that yearned for release and reveled in chaos. As I grew older, the pull of the darkness within me became stronger. This led to me look for enlightenment to try and fully suppress my Dark side since it was starting to corrupt the right side of my face and body after fully taking over the left side. I can feel my justice and kindness being stripped away and cut down by the ever growing darkness in me As i sit down in front of this old hag I'm weary of any traps that may be set since I cannot fully trust this woman. "My arrival in this town was not by design, but rather a twist of fate. I have wandered far and wide, seeking answers to questions that burn within me. I have traversed desolate landscapes, delved into ancient ruins, and conversed with sages in search of enlightenment." "As I journeyed, a peculiar dream haunted my nights, drawing me towards this swampy, dim town. Its foreboding aura whispered of hidden truths and forgotten knowledge. It beckoned me with promises of understanding and purpose. And so, here I stand, eager to unravel the mysteries that lie within."
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