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About CheeseGrater604

  • Birthday 12/21/2004

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    United States
  • Interests
    Rp, motorcycles, games, going on trips, and learning new things!

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  • Character Name
    Lucan Kayler
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  1. CheeseGrater604


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) Example: (delete this) I sit down and greet her “well nice to meet you too.” “So what exactly do you know about me?” She smiled and said “I know everything about you, but what do you know about yourself?” I looked at her very confused, and started. “ Well when I was about 10, my mother died, I don’t know how, or why, but I know my father went downhill after that day.” I stopped for a second thinking “do I really want to tell this lady my life story?” I then remembered the dream, and continued. “A few months later, my father offered to take me hunting for a father-son bonding, and I agreed, unknowing that I would be left there without help.” “He was silent the entire time which was strange.” “The forest was a cold, wet, and dark place unfitting for a child.” “I knew something was wrong with my father, we continued to walk past my knowledge of where we were, even asking if I knew where I was, and when I said no, he turned around, tossed me a sword, and a map.” I asked her if she had anything to drink and her response was “you can have tea when you finish the story.” I agreed and started back. “He then turned and started to walk away and of course I followed, but then he turned and said, I’m sorry, Lucan you cannot go.” “I then started to get mad, and said “mother would be beyond disappointed with the way you’ve acted!” He then turned around with tears in his eyes, and punched me knocking me to the ground, then hit me again, knocking me out.” “I woke up an hour or two later I’m guessing and cried for another two until I got sick, It was already late, so I slept under a fallen tree for the night.” “The next morning I walked around looking for people and of course I was lost so I wasn’t sure of my surroundings or where I was, when I went to read the map I couldn’t read it, it was in a language I couldn’t understand.” “After a day or two of not knowing what to do and being scared, I decided that I was hungry and I should try to find myself something to eat.” “I heard the sound of water so I head towards it, I found a river as well as a shack.” “I slowly crept up to the shack, and snuck around the sides, looking for a window, I found a window and looked in, and I’ll I could see was a chest, fireplace, and bed.” It was clearly abandoned. “I chose to stay there while I decide what to do next, I opened the chest and found a set of Rusty armor with a greenish undershirt, I couldn’t wear it yet but I would eventually.” “I went outside, got a stick, and rubbed it on a rock until it was sharp.” “I tried to spear fish in the water for hours until I got lucky and hit one, I made a little fire, granted it took me a hour or so but I made a small, sad fire and cooked the fish, it was the best thing I’ve ever ate, probably because I was starving but nevertheless it was food.” “I would then stay in the shack for about 6 years, going on trips every now and then looking for people, until about the last two years in which I came to find being alone better then being around people.” “I came to be one with the forest, as if it was my family, until I had a dream that the suit of armor in the chest was standing in front of me and told me to find the lady in the tent, and she will read your map, when the map is read you shall learn the truth about your father.” “When I asked what it where she was, I woke up.” “For the last two years I have been exploring the land looking for you, and for two years I have been searching for what it is I need. So you’ve been expecting me, well here I am.”
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