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    Duncan Emberheart
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  1. bibiex


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) "Aye, 'tis a dingy town indeed," Duncan responds in his Highlander accent, his voice reflecting the ruggedness of his origins. He eyes the crone, his gaze flickering briefly towards the tent's entrance. "I sought shelter from the swamp's damp embrace, didn't expect to find meself in such company. But I reckon everyone has a story to share" The crone nods knowingly. "Yes, lad, we all carry our tales like burdens or treasures. So, tell me, who are you and what brings you wandering through these parts?" Duncan's brow furrows as he ponders his response. "Well, you see, I'm Duncan Emberheart, an apprentice blacksmith by trade," he explains, his voice laced with determination. "I hail from a humble hamlet, nestled amidst the rollin' hills of Haense. The swampy town where me weary feet now stand couldn't be more different from the peaceful serenity of me birthplace. Yet, the confines of me small community couldn't quell me yearnin' for somethin' greater. The hammer and anvil have been loyal companions, but me heart craves the thrill of adventure beyond the reach of me smithy.." Leaning in, the wise crone's eyes glint with intrigue. "Yes, lad, the call of the unknown tugs at many a soul. It's a flame that cannot be extinguished easily. What are you seeking in these wanderings?" Duncan's gaze grows distant, his voice filled with a mix of longing and resolve. "I seek to discover new horizons, to face challenges that'll forge me spirit like a blade in the fire," he replies, his Highlander accent becoming more pronounced. "There's a vast world out there, filled with untold wonders and dangers. I yearn to leave me mark upon it, to create somethin' beyond the reach of the anvil. In me hillside village, I felt the limitations of me aspirations, knowin' that if I stayed confined within those familiar walls, me passions would ne'er fully bloom." Nodding sagely, the aged seer's eyes sparkle with ancient wisdom. "You've got the fire within you, lad. Let it guide you through the trials ahead. Remember, there is wisdom in the journey itself, not just the destination." Duncan's heart swells with anticipation, his excitement bubbling over. "Forgive me for me ramblin's, m'lady. Your words have stirred somethin' deep within me," he admits, a touch of self-awareness in his voice. "Tis not often I find someone who understands me burnin' desires. I'm grateful for your patience." The old hag chuckles softly, a comforting sound that echoes in the stillness of the tent. "There's nothing to worry about, young one. Passion has a way of making us overflow with words and dreams. Embrace it, for it is the fuel that will propel you forward." Duncan's gaze meets the old hag's once more, gratitude and curiosity intermingling in his eyes. "But pray tell, how did ye know I was comin'? Why were ye expectin' me?" The wise woman's smile widens, her voice assuming an ethereal quality. "Some paths are intertwined, lad, guided by unseen forces. The whispers of fate carried news of our meeting. Now, our paths diverge once more." With those cryptic words, the old hag vanishes before Duncan's eyes, leaving him with more questions than answers. As Duncan steps out of the tattered tent, his resolve is strengthened, but a slight unease lingers within him. The encounter with the old hag has left him both energized and weirded out, a mix of determination and intrigue coursing through his veins. With his heart set on his journey, he carries the spirit of a Highlander blacksmith, ready to shape his own destiny amidst the challenges and wonders that await him.
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