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  1. Landumb


    From a young age, Envidiar has always enjoyed the more "crafty" activities. While she adored hunting with her father and elder sister, her heart truly led her to admire the arts of creating. Even though her creations weren't too 'useful' perse, her many younger siblings always enjoyed adorning themselves in the trinkets she made from harvesting organic matter or scavenged parts such as flower crowns or patchwork satchels. She learnt these creative set of skills from her grandmother who created and wore similar things to Vidi, even passing some of her golden hair cuffs to Envidiar. The Elfess currently had 6 siblings, whom she always loved and adored. Vidi's parents were dedicated to parenthood, providing for her siblings and herself as well as her mother's mother who lived with them. Not once did they ever faulter, happy and genuine. On the other hand, they always seemed to want more and more... their only 'issue'. Envidiar's inspiration, her grandmother. The eldest Wood Elf in the household had always displayed the fiercest attitude, followed by her mother's, as well as a strong passion for creating and teaching Envidiar how to create and scavenge. Her younger siblings she was always helping to look after however she could were some of her favourite people; 5 little siblings who were all different from each of each other yet she loved equally and who all adored her. Yet not as much as they adored their eldest sister. Not once had Envidiar had any reason to truly have such a strong yet underlying dislike for, however, somehow she always found herself being envious of her eldest sister. Overall, Envidiar enjoyed life from when she was a small tot until she was roughly 16 years of age. At 16, nearing Vidi's 17th birthday, her mother had gone into labour with her 7th sibling. All was expected to be as well as her mother's previous births, yet this one was different. Sadly, a choice had to be made between mother and child yet neither had managed to make it through the rough process. On the eve of Envidiar's 17th, she stood before two rocks and two minor mounds of dirt, placing a golden trinket in front of the larger one with her mother's name engraved in the stone and a flower crown of daisies with the predicted name of her youngest sibling. With a devasted and broken family, she made the decision to leave, launching her new hobby, and discovering her love for, exploration and travel. Meeting new people wasn't always too easy but she found that masking for her recent grief had made her more cheery. Granted it wasn't completely genuine but she found satisfaction in fooling others. Upon her travels her had come across many but two familiar individuals had stood out to her most... deciding to stick with them for a while, again.
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