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  1. ggSulfur


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) Nio stares into the old hags eyes, he could see fear. But not hers. He blinks, and hesitates for a second before sitting down. Then reaches up for his hood and lowers it, he studies the old hag and begins his story. "Well- since I've got nothing better to do, why not? He says as he tries to get comfortable—"My name is Nio Pyrs, my parents were killed by a group of orcs in an invasion of my home town, I remember walking out of my house to see my parents defense less trying to pled for life. As I exited the door my mother shouted for me to run as she was sliced down, my father attempted to fight back but was hit in the side with a club. I tried to rush over to him, but was stopped by an Orc. That orc soon took me in and trained me for his duties and wishes of stealing and sword mastery," Nio paused catching his breath, looking out the tent entrance behind him. "Once I got down the basics of learning to use a sword my master told me I was ready for the next invasion. I was scared...I- I had never been outside of my hometown and the little settlement I was brought to. I asked him 'what is my objective master?' he pointed towards a small village down the valley. I knew this town...but from where? I killed them...I killed them all, I was praised by my master it brought terror to me. I felt lost, like it was I who had killed my own parents. I wasn't sure what to do in the moment so I slept on it, in the middle of the that night I could hear faint whispers of people outside my tent and decided to go out through the back, I noticed my master and two of his henchmen enter my tent, they had their swords drawn...I- I thought they were going to kill me, so I snapped and stabbed one of the henchmen in the back. His blood splattered all over my clothes, it excited me...I then cut through the other henchmen," Nio passed again catching his breath, he looked at the old hag wondering if she would speak, nothing. "When I looked up my master stared at me in disgust, he started to speak I couldn't hear him over the ringing in my ears and pounding of my chest. He jolted toward me and swung, he barely missed my eye. Or so I thought, it felt as if it was ripped out of my head and I remember letting out a scream of pain and my master covering his ears. He rushed towards me and swung again, I moved and swung backwards. I can still remember the swish of the metal cutting through his stomach, it was like music to my ears. I remember my master saying 'why leave? After all I've done for you?!' I looked at him, and then reached down to one of his henchman and grabbed their tore up gown and hood, I put it on and then started off on my own journey. Which leads me to where I am now. Where ever here is..." Nio finished, waiting for the old hag to say something.
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