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Posts posted by AllenBUwU

  1. Image




    Issued by the Herrin Der Gastfreundschaft

    in the year of our Lord 1977



    "Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,

    To all who read this missive, thou art cordially invited to partake in a TAVERN NIGHT! This revel shall be hosted at Reinmar’s cherished Drunken Maiden Tavern. A Tavern night was dealt requested by a Barclay herself saints days ago and thust we shall deliver one to be done! As is our custom, the night shall bear a theme, and this occasion's theme is none other than WINE!


    Behold, the Drunken Maiden doth find itself blessed with an overabundance of wine from the far reaches of Aevos. Verily, it hath become quite the vexation to store such a plethora of bottles. Therefore, we declare this Tavern Night to be dedicated to Wine, Wine, and yet more Wine! All who attend shall be entreated to purchase and savor at least one varietal of wine. There shall be Red Wines, Pink Wines, Purple, White, Off-White, Dark Blue – a veritable rainbow of wines to delight thy senses!


    Moreover, there shall be a blind wine tasting competition of three rounds! He or she who doth guess the most wines correctly shall be bestowed with a mysterious prize!

    Though wine shall be the star of the evening, fear not, for all other libations shall be readily available for those who desire them. Come, let us make merry and toast to the bounty of the vine! 


    Drinks in attendance include, but are not limited to: Beer, Ale, Cider, Wine, Whiskey, Mead, Vodka, Rum, Elixir, Cocktails, & Various Nonalcohol beverages”




    OOC date: Saturday, May 25th, 6 PM EST!



    Gute Reise,

    HERRIN DER GASTFREUNDSCHAFT of The Princess's Noble Council, TAVERN OWNER of the Drunken Maiden,  'Ms. E'

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    Issued by the Herrin Der Gastfreundschaft

    in the year of our Lord 1959


    "Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,

    Greetings to thee, the loyal readers! This missive heralds the forthcoming tavern night to be held at the esteemed Drunken Maiden in Minitz! However, mark ye well, for this tavern eve shall be centered around a special event. In brief, I find myself blessed with an abundance of ale in my newfound stock. Verily, I possess many duplicates that I am disposed to part with! Hence, I have devised a contest of blind tasting, wherein those who can discern the alcohol's type and its components shall sup for naught! There will be Seven rounds! Yet, for those who err in their judgement... they shall pay full fare for their libations.

    Yet, fear not, for 'tis not mandatory to partake in such revels to attend the tavern night! The tasting contest shall unfold upstairs, whilst the customary revelry of the tavern night shall thrive downstairs at the bar! As customary, younglings are welcome, as we boast an ample selection of non-inebriating beverages!

    All are bid to attend, and thou, dear reader, art encouraged to extend thine invitations! I eagerly await thy presence at this festive gathering!

    This shall take place on the Sun's smile of 17th, 1959."


    OOC date: Sunday, January 14th, 5 PM EST!




    Gute Reise,

    HERRIN DER GASTFREUNDSCHAFT of The Noble Council, 'Ms. E'

  3. Untitled236_20240106000844.png?ex=65ab5565&is=6598e065&hm=7fa8f21df06f38847db082a66270ff860a366838599635ef238f6813b8149431&




    Issued by the Herrin Der Gastfreundschaft

    in the year of our Lord 1958


    "Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,

    Hail and well met! As the Owner of the Drunken Maiden, 'tis my great pleasure to proclaim a grand restocking of sundry Alcohol, libations, and victuals hailing from both the homely crafts of Minitz and the far-flung lands beyond! An anonymous benefactor hath graced the Drunken Maiden with a bounty of stock surpassing any aforeseen, coupled with barter and trade, thus swelling the Tavern of goods! Yet, amidst the mirth, I am mindful of the recent, sorrowful plights that hath befallen Kanunsberg and her environs. 'Tis in such times of woe that I deem it meet to offer some semblance of joy to the folk. Hence, I extend an invitation to all who readeth these words, yea, and to those specially bidden, to partake in an informal gathering at the Drunken Maiden. This event is no formal affair, nay, but a night of revelry amidst familiar company... and libations aplenty. Mayhap this missive findeth thee in good stead! To all who peruse these lines, thou art most welcome.


    Yet, I extend a personal summons to the following, for I am one true to my word and mindful of past commitments:

    -Elijah I of House Alessandria, And The Republic of Valenza

    -The House of Whitewood, Lord of the Marchdom of Lotusgrad


    The event shall be heald at The Drunken Maiden Tavern in Minitz, on the 18th of Sun's Smile!


    Drinks include, but are not limited too: Whiskey, Wine, Ale, Beer, Mead, Rum, Cider, Vodka, Mimosa, Coffee, Latte, Sparkling, Water, Lemonade, Pineapple Juice, Mango Juice, Hot Coco, etc.

    Foods include but are not limited too: Laugenbrezeln Pretzels, Schweinshaxe Pork Knuckles, Bratwurst Sausages, Various Pie Types, Varuous Types of Breads, Various Types of Cakes, Fat Minitz Steak, Stew, Minitz Sandwich Supreme, Kringles, etc."


    OOC date: Sunday, January 7th, 6 PM EST!




    Gute Reise,

    HERRIN DER GASTFREUNDSCHAFT of The Noble Council, 'Ms. E'

  4. Untitled225_20231207204352.png





    Let's be real .. we're all adults here, right? So .. We surely have had years of experience building little forts and fake houses outside as kids! So why not put that talent to good use and try to make the ultimate snow fort!? A competition will be held to figure out who is truly the best at manufacturing the best outcome in the snow! Once we figure out a champion .. We must test out for forts, yes? A snow ball fight will be held! If you get hit THREE times - you're out! Last person standing will win! Or if you're on a team, your team wins! How fun is that!?!?





    "Hallo Minitz .. Sooo .. I know we like just got raided and all .. And we like got Mass planned the same day as this but like.. Gott totally wants us to do this event! So let's do this! It'll be the ultimate snow fort competition! But those battle and building skills to good use in teams of two or more!!" 

    Any times listed are in Saint's Time!


    December 8st 

     6 PM EST | Team Forging!

    There will be three teams participating in this event, who are on those teams are up to those who arrive! The minimum is two people per team .. no maximum! 


    6:30 PM EST | The Preparations..

    Teams will go to their assigned territories and will be given their fort making supplies ...


    6:40 PM EST | The Build Begins

    The teams begin constructing their domains ...


    7:00 PM ESTThe Judgening

    Three judges will judge each fort and vote on who they believe is best!


    7:20 PM EST | The battle begins..

    You may have won best fort.. but will you win in the snowball battle? A snowball fight will commence, and you may use your base as shelter! You may also raid and sneak into other bases! If you get hit with a snowball three time, you're out! Throwing snowballs will use basic combat rules, so focus on who you wanna hit and go for it! Last team standing WINS! .. yes you may use shields and other stuff to block the (snow)balls




    "Okay so I know you men don't like to do things unless rewarded so yes yes there is like... rewards! Winners of the best fort will get 3 free drinks at the Drunken Maiden of their choice! and the uhhhmmm winners of the snowball fight get uhmmmm ... Bragging rights? I don't know.. maybe a house renovation? Maybe some Mina? I don't know okay!? Be grateful I'm even doing this for you guys!" 



    - Planned and Organized by Lady "Miss. E"! Also known as the Herrin Der Gastfreundschaft for the Princess's Council, Steward, Minitz Designer & Tavern-Owner!

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    As you enter the Drunken Maiden Tavern .. You can't help but see that some stools were missing! In addition, it appears some of the drinks were removed .. Where did they go!? While exploring, trying to find the answer to the situation, you eventually make your way downstairs. There, you see the drunken dispute resolution center (The fighting pit) was renovated to be a festive ice-skating rink that provided skates, drinks and even first-aid to those who need it!





    "Hallo Minitz!! As stated on the calendar .. the first event of this month shall be ice-skating!! Stop by the tavern and come down stairs - there is where the fun will be happening!!" 

    Any times listed are in Saint's Time!


    December 1st 

     6 PM EST | Ice-skating!

    The skating on ice will surely be a sight to see! The event will start at 6 PM EST


    6:30 PM EST The eating-contest!

    The pie-eating contest was quite popular at Herbstfest! Why not have another? The food of choice will be announced at the event!


    7:30 | Finale

    The end of the event! A small wrap up of things and perhaps an announcement of what's to come! 





    "You ... uhm, didn't expect me NOT to provide ice-skates, right? Since when the hell does- sorry i shouldn't use that word! Since when in the.. WORLD does Minitz go ice-skating?! OBVIOUSLY I have ice-skates to give you guys.. yeesh, here!" 

    Skates are below!




    - Planned and Organized by Lady "Miss. E"! Also known as the Herrin Der Gastfreundschaft for the Princess's Council, Steward, Minitz Designer & Tavern-Owner!

  6. Minecraft IGN


    Discord ID





    What focus-area of the Moderation Team interests you the most?

    Game/server Moderation & Conflict Management/Resolution

    Why have you decided to apply for the Moderation Team?


    I have decided to apply for the moderation team as I have fallen in love with the server. My motivation is those around me and experience! I've considered applying several times before, but strayed away as I felt ‘too new’ to be staff in the past and I've made mistakes before regarding knowing rules as well - of course it being nothing major, and stuff other players casually corrected, it still threw me off a bit. Though through continuous roleplaying on the server, and becoming attached to In-Character titles, roles, positions, and so on, I've learned more and more about the Do's and Don'ts of Roleplaying, along with many general rules as well. For example, for the little principality of Minitz I've achieved the role of being a Tavern-Owner and event planner, through just these little positions alone I've had to handle many various situations, RP issues and so on. Thanks to it, I learned a lot of written and unwritten LOTC rules which has made me much more confident in RP and as a whole. My Motivation as well is I know I am active on LOTC and believe I could help out. I don't know where I’ll be placed, or what the future holds, and honestly - I'm willing to give anything a shot. Other motivations being friends I've met along the way, including friends i've dragged onto the server to play with me all the way to those I met through LOTC.

     Being honest, a part of the motivation to apply is contributed to impulsiveness, though I don't think that's a bad thing. If anything I'm using it as a way to help me write out this and to help me commit to something I've been thinking about for a while now. I know I have a lot more to learn, but so did everyone I'm sure who also applied. I'm willing to learn, I'm willing to be active, and I'm willing to help. All of this combined, Is my motivation.


    What can you offer to the team?


    Ill divide this into several points, mostly what I bring to the table with experience and so on! 


    What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

    I've been roleplaying on Minecraft specifically since Lifeboat servers had Aphmau role-players and Amino was popular for about 7 years all together. I was also involved in Instagram Dr kgrps and on Discord I'm involved with similar rps as well and have been for years, so I'd say I have quite a lot of experience up my sleeve. If needed I have a google doc here with a list of every RP i've taken a part of on discord and Instagram, Amino, MC and others aren't counted as those stuff work totally different: The RP list ... I'm not sure if the link still works but it dates back to 2020 since that's when I started the list and began hosting my own little Rps. previous to that most Rps was through as stated before Amino and MC!! If needed, most of the insta and discord kgs when I first started were multifandom / Danganronpa since yes I had that phase and more recently only OCs!!   As for MODERN Roleplay experience? I do a lot of detailRP now on LOTC, and previously on a much larger server SRP. Now, I know SRP isnt very well liked on LOTC. I get it, I used to play it constantly and I'll confess it is there where I learned majority of my current roleplay habits. I always preferred to detail my actions out, really showing my characters emotions and actions. 

    ^ now, why is this important as staff? Well, I say this is all worth mentioning as a lot of staff on the server tend to be seen from a player perspective as intimidating, possibly hard to approach and maybe even difficult to find in game. In addition, staff often supply crucial help or assistance to many roleplay situations or events that players just cannot fully complete themselves. And for those reasons, is why having roleplay experience, knowledge and skill is good to bring in as a staff member! Because you can create a welcoming environment, you can interact with the community not just during events but casually as well, and you overall get to put yourself out there! perhaps even be a good role model to newer players who need help learning how to properly action some stuff out! 


    What experience, in general, do you have in moderating and or being staff?:

    - I used to be a builder and moderator for a very old RP server on bedrock called winter glove which was relatively small and from a few years back, obviously when I was much younger.

    - I also was a moderator for a larger bedrock SMP named BoatsNBunnies which I stayed with for awhile til they did a major map reset, and I simply lost motivation after all the old stuff was gone after everything I built. I'm aware both are a bit silly and small in retrospect of the size of LOTC, I'm far aware of that, but I'd like to think my experience in RP and on the server itself can make up for it.

    - I was also a moderator on the much .. more chaotic and larger server SRP, or School Roleplay connected with Roleplayhub. I was on their staff team however I dropped due to being sort of screwed over in a sense. Again, I am aware that many of the community members here dislike SRP, and again I totally get it and understand why after being on the staff team. But I do believe this is very valuable to bring to the table here for LOTC. But why? Roleplayhub is a community where the main Disord server consists of actively 15,000+, and then all the connecting official SRP discord servers easily have at MINIMUM 3,000. I was given staff permissions in all the main ones, and some community ran ones. As for the server itself, I have never seen it drop below 100 people and I have been actively trying to moderate on it with a max of 600 people one at one time before as well. As for LOTC, main Discord has about 6,000 people, and the Minecraft server generally usually has at most maybe 200 people. This means I have had experience moderating for a server double the size of LOTC in the recent past and have a lot of experience from such! 


    Can you act mature in RP and Out? Can you stay unbiased during RP events?:

    Yes, I can. I'll admit, I can be a bit silly at times both in character and out, but isn't everyone? No one is always serious and 100% mature, it's simply human nature. You can ask most people who've spoken to be out of character, I'm pretty known for being chill and easy to speak too. Why is this good to offer? Because as stated previously, staff partake in many events on the server! It's VERY important to make sure you stay mature to a certain degree and not to become Bias during events.


    Describe your activity on the server:

    For my Time zone I'll be active from around usually 10 AM - 1 AM on weekends and for weekdays 3 PM - 1 AM. As of right now I'm an active role-player, I quickly find myself in rp as either my friends are online, or someone approaches me. Overall, I must be active as of my server roles which I happily play by. I try to be as active as I can, I believe I have good time management as I've had to stay active on the server in order to keep all of my in-game positions! For example, my first 'role' was to be a Tavern owner, so I must stay active to run that .. then I became a Steward, so I assist in collecting taxes and assigning housing to people, so again more activity - And my most recent role is to be the main Event Planner for a whole area! the Principality of Minitz which is the role I put the most activity and effort into currently. I like to think back up my statements for activity.  I may have joined LOTC not long ago, however I believe my daily activity combats this along with my experience in RP as a whole. 


    If you were the Mod Admin, what would you change about the server?


    One thing I'd change on the server is likely some of the forum accessibility actually. I find it that searching for certain topics that may assist new players highly are not exactly shown in the best places. For example, there is no main topic on the forums that explains the server commands and or lists them all! Yes, there is an ingame command sure that allows players to look through commands, but even then, it doesn't go over all the less common commands and so on. I would likely put this master list under the Rules or More category and label it simply as 'Server Commands'. The reason for it to be under one of those two is quite simple: For if under rules, the server commands can be explained under how to properly use them for it to fall within the server guidelines. And it also works under 'More' as well, it's just another thing that could be added there. I know this is a small thing, but I and others have spoken about the forum page, and this is just one thing that's come about. Overall, as a new player it's just hard to learn ALL the commands, and its often embarrassing to learn a command through a silly situation in which someone is correcting you .. So, to have a full own forum page that's linked at the very top to one of the categories could be very beneficial! 


    The next session of my application are not original questions, however questions I feel would be good to answer to show my knowledge and understanding!


    Why are the server rule's important to know as a staff member?

    All LOTC rules are important as it's what keeps the server at peace and safe for all players online. It helps keep the civil order. As a staff member, I'm sure no matter what specifically you are, you reply to tickets and help messages to well, help people! Therefore you must know the rules accordingly therefore you can help players with their reports and situations. If one does not know the rules as a staff member, it can lead to pretty murky waters and perhaps even ‘career’ threatening situations. Hence is why a decent amount of rules above were explained in my own words, so it's clear I have an understanding of it all. Of course there's also some unspoken rules of rp, however that's simply something one learns to not do through experience and overtime. I believe of course everyone slips up, I know I surely have several times but at the end of the day it's nothing to be too worried about, as long as you learn from it and remember for next time, if it truly was an honest mistake, it's fine. Staff also must know the rules as sometimes you'll be going to interactions or to locations to figure out the issue, witnessing people failrp, etc, you need to know exactly why you’d be warning someone therefore there's no loose edges that can be argued. Surely if you need help, you can refer to forums and or ask a superior staff member or someone who's been around longer for help, but for the most part if you know the basics I'm sure it'll work out.


    How do you believe a staff member should go about enforcing these rules?:

    I believe a staff member should stay serious and calm when enforcing rules, however I don't think one should be super uptight or authoritarian either. I think most people respond well to a calm approach in which they don't feel targeted, but instead spoken too. Though of course if the person doesn't listen and whatever the issue is continues, then yes, you take it up a step. Everyone deserves that bit of respect at the start as you'd be surprised how far it could get you.


    Describe each type of role on the Staff Team briefly:


    Administration: The Administration Team is the higherups, those who lead staff and make sure the server runs correctly. Administration works together as a very closely knitted team between themselves and others, and ensures that all members have an equal say in decision making. From my understanding, the administration team has no hierarchy system, meaning there is no Admin lead or trial admin, etc. As an Administrator, you also are not stuck with a specific role! Yeah, you may focus or have a favorite thing you work on the most, but you can move around if neeeed be!


    Community: Where do I even begin? The Community Team is a major part of the server and is surely LOTC's backbone. Community team members does work not just on the Minecraft server but especially on Discord, Forums and elsehwere! They answer questions, help new players, you name it! The team also has their own small hierarchy system in a sense - This being Members, Managers and Admins. Its just as youd thing, Members do their thing, managers watch over making sure everything is chilling and Admins got the most 'power' so to say. In the Community Team theres specific jobs as well one can do, such as Pots and Pandits the Wiki Team, the Application Team, and Community Events - most of which are self explanatory


    Moderation: Moderation is likely the most straight forward group, the moderation team .. moderates! To be more specific, the LOTC Moderation team focuses mostly in-game and strives to oversee situations, reply to tickets, assist in in-game situations, if need be, and so on. Similarly to the Community team, they too have the Members -> Manager -> Admin system. Moderation handles Policy Management, Conflict Management/Resolution and Game Moderation to be eeeeven more specific. Last thing I will mention is how as a mod you are expected - or at least capable of assisting in all the jobs just mentioned, however are free to focus on a specific one or not!


    Story: The Writing crew. Quite straight forward like moderation, the story team members help with the story and lore! This is done by them helping host events, making + updating lore, approving or going over lore, and finding new ways for players to be more capable of doing their own events as well! Like the two previously stated groups, these guys of course also have the Member -> Manager -> Admin thing going on. 

    Attach relevant media or links. (Portfolio)



    I will link here my general information carrd I have, here will provide you access to some information about me personally, my social medias, some of the work I've done for other server's and or my position for said servers and more! Cherullen Information (cherullenbuwu.carrd.co)



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    As you exit your residency within the Minitz gates .. You seem to be hit with a cold chill. One worse than the former autumn breeze, no, this was .. Different? As you step outside, your step is cushioned. Curious to what it is, you look down only to see a cold white powder below your feet. Stunned, you slowly crouch down .. Placing a hand into the substance- before you know it, it began to melt in the warmth of your hand. As if overnight .. There is no doubt as to what happened! An odd snow fall has come over Minitz! One that covered majority of region inside the gates .. But how could this be? Minitz has never been one to get snow, let alone to this degree! Not to mention .. it should not even be this season yet .. And why only did it only snow within the gates? One could only marvel at the cold whiteness covering Minitz, and wonder how this could have happened to begin with! Nonetheless, there is no point of complaining .. As what has come upon Minitz is surely there to stay til' the next spring to come! Or .. will it stay for that long? Only time can tell! Time to make the best of it while you can!





    "Hello - HALLO!! HALLO PEOPLE OF MINITZ!! It's me .. your Herrin Der Gastfreundschaft! - or.. Mistress of Hospitality! Let's make the best of this random and freak of nature of snow fall, yes? All events I have come up and or planned  for this upcoming Saint's month are listed below! The exact times will be announced or added in once discussed! Thereeee's onnnnne event I'm going to have to speak to Roland about ..... So I'll have to get back to you guys on a date for that .. BUT THE REST SHOULD BE GOOD TO GO!! Any changes or well, erm, scratch that.. IF something is postponed.. Don't worry! You'll totally be announced specifically WHEN the event if happening!! Does - that make sense to everyone? Yes? SPLENDID!" 

    Any times listed are in Saint's Time!


    December 1rd | Ice-skating!

    The skating on ice will surely be a sight to see! The people of Minitz will gather at Plaza to be brought to a certain location shown in person .. at said location a small event of interaction, ice-skating and hot cocoa will be served! A medic will also be on standby for anyone who gets injured! 


    December 8thThe Ultimate Snow Fort Competiton ... And Snow Ball Fight

    Let's be real .. we're all adults here, right? So .. We surely have had years of experience building little forts and fake houses outside as kids! So why not put that talent to good use and try to make the ultimate snow fort!? A competition will be held to figure out who is truly the best at manufacturing the best outcome in the snow! Once we figure out a champion .. We must test out for forts, yes? A snow ball fight will be held! If you get hit THREE times - you're out! Last person standing will win! Or if you're on a team, your team wins! How fun is that!?!?


    TBDWinter Training ..

    Put the snow to good use! A training day out in the snow and at the snowy workout training area will be held! You never know when skills learned during such will come to good use in battle!



    December 29th | An Exhange Of.. Gifts?

    Have any loved ones? Friends? Companions? Excellent! You may do your own private exchanges .. HOWEVER! Together as Minitz there will be an exchange in plaza hosted! But not just any exchange ,, A RANDOM EXCHANGE! THATS RIGHT!!! You thought this would be a sweet interaction? NO! THIS exchange will be one of chance!! How will this work you may ask? Everyone will bring ONE special item that's deemed wantable .. and not something stupid. Unless its stupidly wanted. This will go into a chest that is unlabeled! Then everyone will be given a number at random .. The person with number one gets to pick a chest at random first and will receive the item inside! Then number two will go, and so on. BUT THERES A TWIST! Let's say number two REALLY wants what number one just got ..? Instead of picking from a random chest, Number Two can steal Number One's gift, and Number One will have to pick a new gift! then Number Three will go.. | YOU MAY ONLY PARTICIPATE IF YOU BROUGHT SOMETHING! 



    TBD - Whatever else is come up with! 

    - Planned and Organized by Lady "Miss. E"! Also known as the Herrin Der Gastfreundschaft for the Princess's Council, Steward, & Tavern-Owner! 

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    As seasons change, and the trees start to turn .., a small chill and husk to the air falls upon Kanunsberg. To celebrate the new plaza and renovations brought to Minitz, along with the beautiful season of Autumn, the council’s new Herrin Der Gastfreundschaft has planned a Herbstfest full of activities, decor and moments to share for those who reside inside the Principality.





    All events will be taking place inside the Principality of Minitz, focusing around the vocal points of Plaza, The Drunken Maiden and back gate. (Times listed MAY change if need be!)



    Sun. Oct 22

    Herbstfest beginning! | Reveal of decorations, Speech announcing the new Herrin Der Gastfreundschaft, speech announcing the festival, what it'll intel, etc | @ 6:00 PM EST, Minitz Capital - Plaza Stage


    Mon. Oct 23 - Tues. Oct 24

    N/A |  getting settled and used to the decor and upgrades


    Wed. Oct 25

    Herbstfest Game Day | Activities such as Tug of war, Head dunking / get the apple and a Race will take place | @ 6:00 PM EST, Minitz Captain & Plaza


    Thur. Oct 26



    Fri. Oct 27

    Herbstfest x Tavern Night! | Introducing the start of weekly Friday Tavern Nights. A pie eating competition, drinking contest and spar matches in the ‘Drunken Dispute Resolution Pit’ to finish the night off with | @ 6:00 PM EST, The Drunken Maiden


    Sat. Oct 28

    The Conclusion of Herbstfest | End of Festival Speech, live (drunken) performances - volunteer based (drunken pure pressure), general gathering | @  6:00 PM EST, Minitz Capital - Plaza Stage


    Wed. Oct 25

    Herbstfest Game Day: Game workings & Explanation 





    Multiple rounds can happen! Depends on how well it goes. 

    Two teams will be established, one on one side of the roleplayed out rope, one on the other. An order will them be established and rolls will be done. This is how that'll work:

    • The first person on both sides will roll 20, whoever rolls higher - the rope will be pulled their way. Then the next two will roll, if the other team rolls higher, the rope will move back. And so on.

    • If one side rolls higher consistently four times in a row, they win. Ms. E will be keeping track of who wins, and looses rolls, and will announce if one side wins or not

    • (OPTIONAL) If the game grows long, and everyone has rolled. A final roll match will happen. First everyone on ONE team will rolls out of 20, and their rolls will be added up, then the other team will roll, theirs will be added. Whichever team rolls the highest - wins

    •  If this was confusing.. DON'T WORRY!! Ms. will be doing narration actions to assist the process




    Again, Ms. E will be supervising .. the way this works is simple! This will be seen as an easy game as it is not mandatory for others to participate, instead this will be apart of a break / chill time between the two majors games - The Tug Of War and The Race!

    • Three people are needed to play this game

    • There are 20 apples in each barrel, you will roll out of 20 to see how many you get, then so will the others. Whoever rolls the highest wins, keeps the apples and gets free beer. The looser .. gets to be thrown inside of icey water filled barrel by the other two! Fun silly interaction after a game.  

    •  If this was confusing.. DON'T WORRY!! Ms. E will be doing narration actions to assist the process




    A race around Minitz .. This will be the final event of the night! A path of redstone and signs will mark the course of with the race wil take through Minitz! 

    • Those participating will start at the front gate, a count down will ensue .. once its announced to go and a crossbow is fired, the race begins!

    • Yes people can race dirty.. Punching people off route, hitting them, firing stuff, etc! Have fun with it!

    • Whoever makes it around back to the front gate via following the course,, WINS! 




    Fri. Oct 27

    Herbstfest x Tavern Night! | Game Workings and Explanation 




    Multiple rounds can happen! 

    • People will line up at the bar counter, pie in front of them

    • They can rp out getting ready, then roll out of 20. This will just to see how well they start off.

    • After some more rp, they'll roll for the second time, again out of 20. 

    • Lastly, approaching the end, will be a final roll out of 20. Whoever’s three rolls adds the closest to 60, wins! The losers? Will be laughed. 

    •  If this was confusing.. DON'T WORRY!! Ms. E will be doing narration actions to assist the process





    • Everyone will be given glasses of beer (One item, you'll rp out drinking multiple) 

    • This isn't a matter of how much you can drink, its how much you can UNTIL you throw up or pass out! This will be a mix of RP and rolls, its up to you to realistically portray your character and how much they'll be able to handle.. However rolls will still be required

    • The rolls will be out of 10, and will happen at the start, middle and end of the drinking. It'll be how well they're taking the alcohol, and then up to you to determine how they're reacting and how much your character is being a trooper through it. 

    • If your character is to the point of like, throwing up / passing out, you may roll out of 10 to see if they're out or you may just rp it out. When we get to last final two people, it'll then be a roll off per drink .. 

    • The medic Ms. Violet Tea will be there to assist those who get a little too drunk or sick ..

    •  If this was confusing.. DON'T WORRY!! Ms. E will be doing narration actions to assist the process




    This will go on as long as those involved want

    • Everyone will be drunk at this point, so why not end the night with some old fashion fighting? Those who want to participate will go downstairs to the bottom of the tavern to what Ms. E has titled the ‘The Drunken Dispute Resolution Center’.. Which is just a fighting pit. You'll fight in there, basic normal drunken spar! 

    • The medic Ms. Violet Tea will be there to assist those who get hurt .. she ALSO has the authority to stop a fight if it gets too intense. 

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